SUIT: Students arrested for violating ‘unwritten’ school speech policy – by giving away Constitutions – IOTW Report

SUIT: Students arrested for violating ‘unwritten’ school speech policy – by giving away Constitutions

EAG: BATTLE CREEK, Mich. – Conservative students at Kellogg Community College are suing the school after they were arrested last fall for handing out pocket-sized U.S. Constitutions on campus.

Young Americans for Liberty at Kellogg Community College filed the lawsuit Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Grand Rapids, naming the school, President Mark O’Connell, the college’s board of trustees, administrators and Harold West, the public safety director, MLive reports

“By policy and practice, Kellogg Community College claims the unchecked right to prohibit students from engaging in practically any constitutionally protected expression anywhere on campus unless they first obtain permission from KCC officials,” the lawsuit read.

“When students request permission, the College’s Solicitation Policy (the ‘Speech Permit Policy’) grants KCC officials unbridled discretion to restrict the content and viewpoint of students speech if it does not ‘support the mission of Kellogg Community College or the mission of a recognized college entity or activity.’”

The suit stems from efforts by students Michelle Gregoire and Brandon Withers to pass out pocket-sized U.S. Constitutions in front of the college’s Binda Performing Arts Center on Sept. 20, when campus officials demanded they stop because they had not obtained a special permit.

The students refused, citing their constitutional rights, and were then arrested, charged with trespassing and jailed, though the charges were later dismissed, according to the lawsuit, which alleges violations of free speech, equal protection and due process, MLive reports.  more

13 Comments on SUIT: Students arrested for violating ‘unwritten’ school speech policy – by giving away Constitutions

  1. Employees themselves need to be sued for millions, not the tax payers. For some reason the name Kellogs creeps me out. Boycotting them but forgot why. Is there some kind of code on products so we know not to buy ANY Kellogs products packaged under some other brand?

  2. Judge,
    Kellogg pulled their advertising from BreitBart due to “fake news” that accused Breitbart of something silly such as being “white racist”. So Breitbart struck back with a “Dump Kellogg” ad campaign. ANd there it was disclosed that Kellogg was connected to some unsavory characters such as Soros, #BLM, the Cuban Castros….

    Read the link for all the other associated Kellogg brands. Wikipedia is another decent source.

    Besides that, Kellogg has always been a little “around the bend”. Their cereals started out (early 1900s) as being a “cure” for teenage hormones (“no masturbating now…”).

  3. Snowflakes and their enablers rule the city now. Didn’t used to be that way when I lived there. I’m not surprised that this happened to what used to be a good school. It’s an oasis of liberal in a fairly conservative area (western part of Michigan).

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