“Summary of Argument Against AI Safety” – IOTW Report

“Summary of Argument Against AI Safety”

9 Comments on “Summary of Argument Against AI Safety”

  1. …but a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial would delay progress toward all that lovely “vaccine” money pouring in, plus it will take too long to help us in the next election.

  2. If most people are stupid,
    and AI learns from what it reads,
    most of what it reads will be from stupid people.

    It will have all the biases & group think of the 2020’s.

    The real question is can it eventually “unlearn” the stupid?
    Will it be able to determine that Steven Hawking is more important to read rather than Dylan Mulvaney? (poor example i know)

  3. Stephen Hawkins was afraid of AI and said it could be the end of the human race. He will never know now will he? The human race will end, it will end at the wrath of God, but by computer code.

  4. Mankind is created in God’s image, robots and androids are created in man’s flawed image thinking that by creating them they can be as gods. Read Project Pope, City, Ring Around The Sun by Clifford D Simak to see how well robots interact with human beings, Isaac Asimov as well) I will not comply and will become like John the Barbarian in Brave New World or John Galt in Atlas Shrugged.

  5. The AI was stuck in an infinite loop, Orange man bad, Orange man bad, Orange man bad, Orange man bad, Orange man bad, ORANGE MAN BAD.
    (Voice of “Nomad” from Star Trek.)


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