‘Sunburn Art’ – IOTW Report

‘Sunburn Art’


Stupid ‘Sunburn Art’ Trend Puts People at Risk of Skin Cancer.

Thousands of Instagrammers around the world are risking skin cancer in a bid to follow the latest online craze – ‘sunburn art’.

sunburn art

One of the unhealthiest trends to hit social media in recent years, sunburn art involves using sunscreen or stencils on parts of their body to burn various designs into their skin. The sunburn patterns range from straight lines to floral themes and abstract shapes. Some designs cover a small patch of skin, while others span the entire body.


19 Comments on ‘Sunburn Art’

  1. Ouch that’s gotta hurt and it looks stupid as well. Stupid is as stupid does. My Mom always said, Don’t be stupid and follow the crowd because you’ll end up stupid as well. I had a severe sun burn once and it wasn’t fun. The worst was the time I got a sunburn on top of my bald head because I wasn’t wearing a hat while out hiking in the Eagle Cap Wilderness area of NE Oregon at about 8000 ft. of altitude.

  2. I’ve been waiting all day to see this one (since I saw the title this morning in the queue).

    I give a 7 for creativity and an 6 for suffering for your art but given the risk involved I give it a 1 for intelligence.

    Still, interesting to see it on other people’s bodies, and more subtle than a tattoo.

  3. You white devils cannot see the oppression, the aggression, you heap onto people of color with this “sunburn art” Your hate crimes against people of color include white people who identify as black people.

    I am shocked SHOCKED!

  4. As kids we did this in reverse. Cut out little shelf paper stars & such to keep the sun off that spot and it works well. Of course we didn’t sun burn it in, dang, we would do this over several days, even as a kid I wasn’t stupid. San Pedro in the late sixties.

  5. Hells bells! This blog thread is sounding very buttinski! It’s their skin, let them do whatever they want so long as they aren’t legislating their “art” into existence. I figure it this way (and, yes, I know it smacks of predestination): I’ve got so many chops left in my little hatchet and when they’re used up, they’re used up and, hopefully, I will have finished the race with a “Well done, faithful servant.” We just lost a brother to gallbladder cancer a couple weeks ago — only 45 years old. Came out of nowhere.

    That is all.

  6. Well, yeah, it’s stupid. But don’t let me get around them… I’m the type of person that would slap them on the pretty burns talkin bout, “How’s it going, buddy?!” LOL.

    No, seriously- My mom once had sunburn so bad she had to go on antibiotics. We were going between some islands in a canoe and they said it was probably the reflection of the water that made it worse. Yikes!

    I don’t burn (naturally “tan”) but I’m light sensitive so I do have to go out in one of these:

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