‘Sunday Night Football’ Draws Worst Ratings in a Decade in 2017 – IOTW Report

‘Sunday Night Football’ Draws Worst Ratings in a Decade in 2017

Breitbart Sports: NBC will not look back on 2017 with a sense of fondness, instead, they’ll remember it as the year in which they hit their lowest NFL ratings mark in a decade.

According to SportsBusiness Journal’s Austin Karp, Sunday Night Football averaged 18.2 million viewers, the lowest number of fans since 2008.

Previous reports had already noted that this week’s Monday Night Football suffered its worst ratings since 2012. However, according to Karp, that’s just one example of a what was a very, very bad season for MNF:

Awful Announcing points out that if the ratings continue to decline, the next time the various networks return to the table to negotiate broadcast rights, the league could find itself losing billions as the networks seek to negotiate fees downward amid the massive loss of fans. The NFL is currently safe through the year 2022, but after that the current deals are done, and the networks will be ready to renegotiate.  read more

18 Comments on ‘Sunday Night Football’ Draws Worst Ratings in a Decade in 2017

  1. The NFL is full of ghetto thugs, and ghetto thugs are the last people you want handling your PR because they’ve all got loserdom embedded in their DNA. Even ghetto thugs once removed like Colin Krapaernig are still affected by their ghetto DNA. They can’t help themselves. They will do exactly what is needed to be done to alienate your customers and ruin your business, because they are compelled to turn everyplace they are into the ghetto shithole from whence they came.

  2. As long as the players continue to take a knee, and the owners, managers, and coaches continue to tolerate it or cave and support it.

    I hope that in following seasons they look back at 2017 as the last golden year of game attendance and tv viewing.

  3. Even if the players stop kneeling, start respecting the flag and worshipping law enforcement, I’m done. They (the owners) showed their true colors when they gave asshat Goodell a new contract. I hold him in contempt for this fiasco as much if not more than the players.

  4. The NFL exists only to support advertising. (Look as the cost of Superbowl ads.) When the fans desert, the money will dry up.

    You know what pisses me off? Preseason games.
    They don’t count but you still must pay to see them.
    It is said that they are necessary to test the new lineups but that sounds like bullshit to me. More likely just a revenue enhancer.
    Extend the season, or make them free.

    Adios NFL.

  5. When the NFL, ESPN, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, the NYT, etc etc,
    all collapse and die due to their militant idiocy,
    maybe they can be repopulated with indebted college kids
    that are not stupid (yes, a small fraction of all grads) and
    those companies can all be new version 2.0 and
    do their jobs correctly and jump on the MAGA train.

    Hey, it’s the holidays and I’m in a generous mood because I’ve been drinking.
    But I can daydream, can’t I?

  6. I can’t believe the networks would have signed a long term contract with the NFL without viewer guarantees in place that would cut the fees depending how much viewership drops. I’m sure that the commercial ad rates are dependent on the number of viewers and the networks are unlikely to eat that loss on their own.

  7. My Jock sniffing coworkers show no sign of recognizing the alleged kneeling or what it represents, allegedly.
    I enjoy dropping real time news snippets as their world as they know it implodes.

  8. All those Obama relatives are too damn stupid to connect the dots between empty seats and their paychecks. They’re probably high fiven’, belly bumpin, twerking, and pretending to be peeing on fire hydrants because they phukt over their white bosses.

  9. I watched the first Steelers game. They let me down by thier actions in so many ways. The left will turn everything they touch to crap.

    College football works for me, and congratulations to Penn State for beating Washington at the Fiesta Bowl.

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