Sunday Night Poetry reading – IOTW Report

Sunday Night Poetry reading

Remember that poem about the man from Nantucket?

Make us proud!

Before we begin, here is your inspiration-

hillary heavy coat in august at nantucket

What’s Wrong With Her?  Hillary Wears Heavy Coat and Black Pants to Nantucket Fundraiser… In August.

51 Comments on Sunday Night Poetry reading

  1. High temp in Nantucket today was 78 degrees F.

    Also high humidity.

    She’s definitely hiding something. I would have passed out in that getup in that weather.

  2. Also read elsewhere she is eating/drinking too much to deal with the stress. Weight has ballooned from 186 at start of campaign to 286 today. Does anybody know how tall she is?

  3. A fat girl flew into Nantucket…

    Her catheter was full more then a bucket…

    She drained 4 full gallons in flight…

    And the Captan said with no delight…

    We’ll just set the plane down and say Fuck It!…

  4. there once was a fat old cankly bitch in nantucket.

    who’s dirty old disease ridden husband saw every young or old or fat chick as a piece of ass, and wanted to fuck it.

    she’s running for prez.

    we all know she’s a lez.

    if huma had a dick, she might actually suck it!

  5. The Hag took a trip to Nantucket,
    Courting donors who were happy to suck it,
    She wore a big Coat,
    That went up to her throat,
    So her ostomy gear she could tuck it.
    And her

  6. An old broad came down to Nantucket,
    Replaced her Depends with a bucket,
    Took off her wool britches,
    Said “Damn, my crotch itches,
    But if Huma was here she could suck it.”



  7. My depends got full swole on the trip…

    I was also afraid to have my pants unzipped…

    I had this problem before…

    But now it seems to be more…

    and the urine is now over me lip…

  8. Rose the stench of dead fish round Nantucket,
    Tides were fine, breeze was stiff, shore they mucked it,
    Then the whore did appear,
    Wearing foul weather gear,
    Fishing season is screwed so let’s just say we fuck it.

  9. They called old Bill Clinton “The Sinner”.
    He invited a young gal to dinner.
    They started to dine
    At a quarter past nine,
    And by a quarter past ten it was in her.

    (The dinner, not The Sinner.
    The Sinner was in her before dinner.)


  10. There once was a gal from Nantucket
    Owned catheter with straw she’d suck it
    Ambassador Stevens died
    About Benghazi she lied
    Next seizure she has she’ll say “F*ck it.”

  11. Jemima’s vagina ached like angina
    She twisted and moaned, and cried for relief.
    She took the matter into her own hands
    but instead of an O, all she got was a queef.

  12. This Gal had a seizure they say…

    Her response was to say it was play…

    she did bounce her head…

    and they thought she was dead…

    But the MSM would only say Nay Nay…

  13. The blacks made the Vineyard less appealing,
    So Hillary had her a feeling,
    Hey let’s go Nantucket,
    And Obama can suck it,
    It’s much whiter and they’re more into kneeling.

  14. Oh, you wanted it to be about Hitlery?

    The drunken bitch flew from Martha’s Vinyard to Nantucket
    While she told the citizens to suck it
    And she said with a grin
    Wiping gin from her chin
    If anything has a c_nt Bill would F it!

  15. The beast flew into Nantucket.
    Thinking the voters can just go and suck it.
    She said with a grin
    squatting on Humas chin
    I’ll get control of this country and fuck it.

  16. this trip reminds me of Al Gore’s…

    who flew us into the Azores…

    We threw the green meat…

    from under our seat…

    and it turned out to be from our drawers…

  17. ironyCurtain August 21, 2016 at 8:49 pm

    Anyone wearing a coat in this scorching New England August has got to be on heavy duty blood thinners.


    That’s one of the draw backs to using blood thinners and having a thyroid problem. DH is taking blood thinners due to having massive blood clots on his lungs 2 months ago. It’s 100 out here – dry heat and he says he’s cold. No thyroid problem for him, so she’s got some whammies going on. She has really ballooned up!

  18. Regarding Hillary’s 20 mile air trip from Martha’s Vineyard to Nantucket. Prior Post. At 12.04 pm 8/21/16 I wrote:
    “This rich old broad from Nantucket
    She had to pee in a bucket
    When she went to the loo
    Occupied by a few
    She’d scream at her guards
    And shout FUCKIT!
    Then I went off to work and when I returned I find that MJA has a Sunday night poetry reading. Should be Limerick reading, but my point is, like Rodney Dangerfield, I get no respect. Just sayin’, not bitchen.’

  19. Hillary, OH Hillary…she was there….all dressed in pink….took Huma behind the barn and made her fingers stink….singin’….balls to yer partner, ass against the wall….if ye never get laid on Saturday night you’ll never get laid at all….Bill Clinto, OH Bill Clinton…he was there…doin’ this and that….amusin’ himself by abusin’ himself and catchin’ in his hat….singin’….balls to yer partner, ass against the wall…if ya never get laid on Saturday night you’ll never get laid at all….last verse worse the the first AND…

  20. I’m with her, and she’s with us,
    Or so her minions say,
    But she’s always with with someone else,
    Whose money holds more sway.

    Jazz quartets and private jets,
    Swag bags stuffed with loot,
    Secret deals at six course meals,
    Buy many a pantsuit.

    But when the crowd she hates awaits,
    With placards and canned cheers,
    It’s almost more than she can bear,
    This weight of lies and years.

    It wasn’t meant to be this way,
    With good chance she might lose,
    She thought it mere formality,
    To crush Jeb, John or Cruz.

    But now, as darkness closes in,
    Her heart a wheezing pump,
    Her bunker walls are trembling,
    From a nemesis named Trump.

  21. Woe to the complicit eyes,
    who dare agree with those chafed thighs.
    Bid once, but she won’t early take;
    For a larger haul will she make.
    Buy once more the screams and lies;
    It won’t be long until someone dies.

  22. This is my Mister’s submission:

    In Nantucket she lies
    With her urine soaked thighs
    The lawyer from Yale
    that should now be in jail

    She has Bill on a leash
    cause the bitch smells like fish
    “as your pres I’ll be like kin”
    She lies with a grin.

    She’s mad as a hatter
    And black LIes do matter

  23. An aging old consort of Humas
    Gave birth to some scandalous rumahs
    She needs that tongue skill
    Been untouched by Bill
    Since the days they were both Baby Boomahs

  24. An evil bitch slithered to Nantucket

    Her drapery hiding a bucket

    She kept it close to her heart
    ‘Cause that’s where she farts

    All her shrink can say is “Ahh, fuck it!”

  25. Hillary’s rotting corpse…
    Lay flat among pulsating penguins…
    unbeknown to them…
    and then the sun came up…
    somehow quivering…
    I clipped my fingernails…
    free I said, be free…
    The little ones flew and it was morning…

    h/t Che Penocha…

  26. sorry – i only have this one nantucket limerick…..

    there once was a frog in a bucket
    who was to be wed in nantucket,
    but try as he tried,
    he could not jump outside,
    and that’s way he never got….married…..

    ++++++++++++++yeah, i know, it doesn’t rhyme…….

  27. ^ arggh. That was just a mispost.

    This is happens when you sell your soul to the devil. He sends you warm-up jackets so you can get used to the temperatures where you will be staying for eternity.

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