Sunday Talks… – IOTW Report

Sunday Talks…

Ted Cruz Discusses January 6th Challenge to 2020 Electoral Certification with Maria Bartiromo.

Senator Ted Cruz appears on Sunday morning to discuss the process of challenging the electoral college certification with Maria Bartiromo (CFR).  Senator Cruz (TX) discusses his recent decision to assemble with several GOP Senators after Senator Josh Hawley (MO) announced his intent to challenge the certification.

Jim Jordan and Mo Brooks Discuss Electoral Challenges and Vote Ballot Fraud in Key States.

House representatives Jim Jordan and Mo Brooks appear on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the House challenge to the certification of electors.  Within the interview Ms. Bartiromo asks Rep. Brooks to give examples of known ballot fraud and Mr. Brooks walks through known ballot fraud in three states.

7 Comments on Sunday Talks…

  1. ”How it plays out, quite frankly, is dependent on the American people … to the extent they contact their Senators and Congressman and demand

    See it’s our fault Republicans let democrats steal the election

  2. That is correct we plotted with Mrs Clinton and her henchman to deliver all the votes we manufactured to make everything appear normal. I am sweating the FIB will come to my front door.SARCASM

  3. I heard it as, ‘Make them uncomf’tabol. Confront them at the gasoleen station. At the restahrants. Tell them you’re not welcome here!”

    And the rally goers and protestors noted it, too.

  4. The 1.5 party system just didn’t cut it. Our phony DOJ/FBI is missing in action for the American People. Our politicized judges are protected from removal. Trump was blindsided by the extent of the corruption in Washington. You’ll need allot more than 10 fingers to point at the American crash and burn cause.

  5. It’s entirely up to us!! We are the ones forcing the issue, the politicians are being dragged behind our movement reluctantly so they’re close enough to the front to take credit if we win.

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