Sunday Talks: General Michael Flynn Says, “We Have Conclusive Evidence of Foreign Interference In Our Election” – IOTW Report

Sunday Talks: General Michael Flynn Says, “We Have Conclusive Evidence of Foreign Interference In Our Election”

Conservative Treehouse: Appearing with Maria Bartiromo, former national security advisor, Lt General Michael Flynn, states: “we have conclusive evidence of foreign interference in our election.”  Mr. Flynn goes on to say his attorney, Sidney Powell, has four cases en route to the United States Supreme Court to highlight the “overwhelming evidence” of election fraud.

Additionally, General Flynn states it would serve the best interests of the United States if President Trump would trigger his 2018 executive order on foreign election interference to appoint a federal special counsel – to look into all of the background claims of fraud on behalf of the executive branch of government.  A very interesting interview.  WATCH:

10 Comments on Sunday Talks: General Michael Flynn Says, “We Have Conclusive Evidence of Foreign Interference In Our Election”

  1. “We Have Conclusive Evidence of Foreign Interference In Our Election”

    …and yet NO arrests, NO treason trials, NO executions, and Harr…I mean, Biden “Officially” gets enough electoral votes to call himself “president elect” for REALS, a fact which will be trumpeted to the skies by his lickspittle media and finish convincing the lofos that the “election” was “legitimate” and that President Trump is just a “sore loser”.

    Unless you’re planing on hangings and firing squads TODAY, you’ve got nothing that’s gonna matter TOMORROW, and I don’t see any gallows being built ..

  2. I’m getting kinda tired of claims of “conclusive evidence” and such that have to be taken at the word of the claimant because they never seem to be presented for examination and investigation.

    FWIW, “conclusive evidence” is something that doesn’t have to be interpreted to mean something because it is obvious as to what it is, is obviously true, and can’t just as easily be something else than what you are told to believe it is.

    So show the damn evidence, in its entirety, or shut up about it.

  3. Did he say “conclusive evidence”? He misspoke. He meant “inconclusive speculation”. It’s a natural mistake. Politicians make it all the time.

    Viz: “I have mountains of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia”. What Schiff meant was “I have absolutely no evidence but I believe it.”


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