Sundowner’s Handler: “We’re just getting started” – IOTW Report

Sundowner’s Handler: “We’re just getting started”

Patriot Retort:

Jill Biden: We’re just getting started.

To celebrate their 100th day in the White House, First Lady Jill Biden tweeted out a “Look how fashionable I am walking away” photo of herself with the threat “We’re just getting started.”

Energy prices are through the roof. Basic necessities are getting more expensive. Businesses can’t find employees because Washington has incentivized unemployment. Vital infrastructure is under cyberattack. And now the Middle East peace the Trump Administration made great strides to achieve is in flames.

Maybe it’s me, but after all that, Jill saying “We’re just getting started” doesn’t leave me feeling particularly optimistic about the future. more here

27 Comments on Sundowner’s Handler: “We’re just getting started”

  1. Imagine the how many times they set up that picture to make it look spontaneous.
    All I see is her “Let them Eat Cake” moment.

    Totally Tone deaf.

  2. Like the old Gordon Lightfoot song Sundown except I’ll call it Sundowners. My mom was a perfect example of it with her Sundowners, one time my dad called me in a a panic because she had got out of the house and crawled under the back deck trying to escape. I had to race across town and get her out from under the deck. It was never a dull moment when she had Sundowners, we never knew what she was going to do. And at night we were always afraid that she’d sneak out of the house and run down the street buck naked not knowing who or what or where she was. Fortunately that never happened.

  3. “Energy prices are through the roof. Basic necessities are getting more expensive. Businesses can’t find employees because Washington has incentivized unemployment. Vital infrastructure is under cyberattack. And now the Middle East peace the Trump Administration made great strides to achieve is in flames.”

    …it’s nor surprising they are proud of this, when you realize that this is on PURPOSE. They are very proud that they have been able to do an incredible amount of damage to the nation they hate in such a short time, although it is easier to destroy than create they are still well pleased with the quickening pace of our destruction.

    …but it’s wrong to view “we’re just getting started” as a threat.

    It’s a PROMISE.

    they WILL do everything they can to burn this nation down, just as they have begun they will continue. They’ve seem what sheep we are, how we accepted restraints on every one of our liberties without question, how we will sell our birthright for false promises of safety from invisible diseases that they created, how we won’t even meaningfully challenge a clearly stolen election and the illegal installation of a demented pedophile over us, and realize they have NOTHING to fear that their fanatical FBi and purged military can’t handle, as we didn’t even make a scene when they murdered an unarmed protestor who was lured to be an example to us all.

    …no, they aren’t threatening, not at ALL.

    They are simply doing their damage and stating it will continue.

    They do.

    And we keep going to work, paying them taxes, and keeping our heads down.

    …doesn’t seem like much need for them to hold back any, does it…

  4. Dr. Jill has lasted longer than Eva Braun did in the Fuhrerbunker in Berlin, and President* Dementia Joe is still pretending to be in control of the country, but we all know Obammy and ValJar are directing things through Susan Rice. Their work is just getting started, and we’re being Fundamentally Dismembered by this traitorous collection of Socialists-Dementiacrats. What will America look like in 1,271 days?

  5. it just me, or does the sole she’s showing us on one of her Clowning, inappropriate red high heels seem to show that she has an almighty big foot for a female?

    …almost like she’s the wizened shell of a MUCH larger woman struggling to get out…

  6. “Give me ten years and you will not be able to recognize Germany.” Adolph Hitler, 1933.

    “Give me four years and you will not be able to recognize America.” Dementia Joe Obiden Bama, 2021

    “Give me Dementia Joe and Dr. Jill and Susan Rice and you will not be able to recognize America in four years.” Baracky Obammy, 2021.

  7. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS MAY 13, 2021 AT 11:30 AM….I didn’t notice the shoes. Looks like the 5 yr old little girl who puts on mommies heels. They’re huge.

  8. She’s working to be more hated than “Gorilla Cookies” Mooch !

    Ain’t swallowing gurl,
    you do what you do and make yourself the nastiest trash whore in History.

  9. We are in the grip of anarchotyranny right now. Every single law on the books now is being selectively applied or not applied based on democrats taking full control of society at all level. And the democrats are China’s bitch. Doesn’t matter what rank and file cops nor military personnel believe (A not insignificant percentage of them probably buy into this woke shit anyway). Every single person in authority at all levels of government, academia, private industry, and even religion are compromised by the deep state anarchotyranny machine.

    They are not friends with cunts like BLM, Antifa, and all their pet fat women with neon hair. But they will do nothing to stop them from harassing and abusing average folk who think they have any kind of power left to control what those with real power do. It’s over. The dream of the USA is totally over. And we’ve just got a big pile of communist shit left in its place.


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