Super Bowl Ratings CRASH! – IOTW Report

46 Comments on Super Bowl Ratings CRASH!

  1. Used to be a big fan – can’t say I really know who played – avoided all things “Super Bowly” and am happier for it.

    Glad others are doing the same. Sports shouldn’t be politicized.

    Election was stolen. Joe is not, never was, nor ever will be the LEGITIMATE President of the United States. That I hold to be self-evident.

  2. I had it on in the background with the sound almost off. It ended up the way I figured it would. (MEH)
    During half time when those clowns wearing what looked like jocks on their faces came out my tolerance meter pegged hard to ‘negative’ so I shut it off and
    watched hulu.
    “Deadbeat” or “Letterkenny” is more entertaining.

  3. I didn’t miss a thing as I was going to Eureka, Mt. which was my last stop of the day up by the Canadian with 40 boxes of flowers for Valentine’s Day. No radio reception that far out in the boonies and I did see 6 Rocky Mtn. sheep alongside the side of the road by lake Koocanusa on my way back down to Libby and home. I’ll take nature over the stupor bowl any day of the week.

  4. Didn’t even know who was playing.

    I read where they had to count people who watched the game in bars this year, just to get up to the dismal ratings they posted. They’ve never counted bar viewers before. How do they even do that? Probably as inflated as the covid numbers.

  5. What is this “Super Bowl” you speak of?
    I am a retired plumber and am knowledgeable of the toilet bowl, but not this super one you refer to.
    It must flush giant turds?
    Believe I’d rather watch soccer. One-legged soccer. One-legged blind midget soccer.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I watched my first quarter of football in a couple of years.
    I quit after Q1.

    I saw that Burgess Owens is calling for Gooddell? to step down as commissioner.
    – That might be a good start
    – Probably not

  7. You do realize that the ratings say almost 100 million people watched it, don’t you? 5% less than last year. Why at that rate, they’ll go broke in, carry the 1,…,50 years. I’m sorry, but this is not encouraging. Americans need to learn to live instead of sitting on their ass watching other people run, jump, and holler.

  8. “I have to admit, I’m actually enjoying seeing woke sports crashing.”

    Cynic, it won’t be crashed in my book until the players get paid the same as warehouse workers. At least then they wouldn’t be dying in helicopter crashes.

  9. Jason FEBRUARY 10, 2021 AT 9:34 AM
    It’s all that female ref’s fault.

    Female Refs???

    Now wait a minute. Done properly that could bring back the viewership. Special new uniforms and making the calls from a platform while grasping a pole… Etc., etc., etc.

    Wink, wink, nudge, nudge…

  10. @ geoff the aardvark FEBRUARY 10, 2021 AT 9:46 AM

    Made pretty much the same trip last week, AND as an added bonus we had dinner with a fellow IOTWer in Helena. I ask the kids if they wanted to go through St Regis or Bonners Ferry on the way to Kalispell and the unanimous vote was to go in through Libby.

    We slept on the way over in Sprague WA in a nice little motel that we frequently trade with on the way over and got up and had breakfast at Elmer’s in Coeur d’Alene so we could sit down and enjoy a nice meal.

    It was refreshing to GTF away from the Puget Sound Region.

  11. The ratings were “post processed.” In other words they were adjusted to fit the preferred narrative.

    I suspect a full 20% of viewers were analogous to my kid’s imaginary friends. It is one thing to indulge children, it is another thing entirely to indulge leftists whose past experience with people who should know better indulging them has turned them into entitled subhuman pieces of infantile shit in a grown up body.

  12. When dads’ stop watching or enjoying a sport, the kids don’t watch or learn to enjoy it either. The kids learn to catch on to sports between age 8-18. That’s 10 years. After that, the sports teams have lost an entire generation of viewers who will also have kids with the same “screw pro sports” attitude.
    “And that’s the ballgame folks.” Ruined forever by Lefty’s.

  13. It’s way past time for Americans to leave kids’ games to kids and stop idolizing grown men who make outrageous money playing them. The whole idea of “role model” is ridiculous in my opinion, don’t count on jocks, politicians or anyone else to be a model for your kids EXCEPT YOU!

  14. It wasnt many years ago, maybe 2011? when many churches had SB parties and the game was on and there was no fear of perverts popping up during the game, re halftime shows.

    Maybe thats why the SB went all perverted and satanic.

  15. How is this even possible?
    I mean it was the lead-up to the Angry Fat Black Woman show that followed the game.
    I mean, sure, Queen Latifah was obviously a perfect choice for that role.
    As long as she doesn’t have too run twenty yards, she could definitely be an “Equalizer.”

  16. So glad to be a part of the drop in viewership. Didn’t watch it, didn’t care. When the NFL – and all other forms of entertainment – chose to inject politics in to their venue, I said, see ya, been nice knowin’ ya, I don’t give a shit about your opinion. I watch you / listen to you for the diversion you provide from my every day working lie.


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