Super Eid “rally” features roster of scary speakers with Jihadist ties at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis – IOTW Report

Super Eid “rally” features roster of scary speakers with Jihadist ties at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis

CFP: As Islamic leaders with ties to terrorism addressed them, thousands of Muslims chanted the jihadist battle cry “Allahu Akbar” at taxpayer-funded U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis yesterday as part of a huge celebration of the Muslim festival of animal sacrifice known as Eid al-Adha.

One media estimate put the size of the crowd at 30,000.

“Allahu Akbar” is not an innocuous phrase. It is generally the last thing victims of Muslim terrorism around the world hear as their lives are cut short at the hands of groups like Islamic State or al-Qaeda. The phrase means “God is greater,” but there is more to it. It is a cheer that goes back to the still-celebrated Muslim slaughter of Jews at Khaybar in 628. It means the Muslim deity, Allah, is greater than the religions of those vanquished by Islam. It is an active, actionable threat to all non-Muslims, a belligerent statement of Islamic supremacy.  more

SNIP: Looks like Muslims have captured US Bank Stadium. Look for that in the next ISIS newsletter.

Thanks,  Clintons and  Bushies. If it weren’t for you guys, 0bama wouldn’t have been flying them in by the thousands.

14 Comments on Super Eid “rally” features roster of scary speakers with Jihadist ties at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis

  1. the Minnesota Vikings will soon change their name to the Minnesota Mohamed’s, but they won’t have a logo or a mascot because, ya know, you can’t draw a picture of the “M” guy or dress up some idiot in a cartoonish character’s suit

  2. 30k of savages chanting Al-a-hu Ackbar…. There goes your “Minnesota Nice”.

    I left the People’s Republic of Minnesota in ’98 and I will never move back. Not for all the Lakes or the absolutely fabulous Spring and Fall days, all 6 to 11 of them depending on the year or the State Fair. (Don’t ask me why but you have not been to a state Fair until you have been to the Minnesota State fair. Other state fairs look like a county carnival in comparison.)

  3. It’s one of those things that should take your breath away when contemplated; that a religio-political system founded and established upon warfare, murder, and the subjugation of those who disagree with it…is called a “religion of peace” and is allowed to flourish in our country.

  4. As I have said before, don’t play the game. Forfeit if necessary. Why attempt to entertain a crowd that wants to kill you.
    US Bank should pull their sponsorship of the stadium to let customers know they will not tolerate their name being associated with such a meeting.
    Sooner or later someone has to say no to these encroachments on our society and let the fecal matter impact the rotary oscillator. Better sooner than later. Islam is not compatible with Christian values and never will be.

  5. Will they be playing with butcher knives in their belts or under their pads? Masks under their helmets?

    @ Moochoman: “Islam is not compatible with human civilization and never will be” FIFY

  6. Most sites are reporting that there were 50,000 there. Above, it says 30,000.
    From the pictures that I’ve seen, it would be a stretch to get to 5.000.
    They were nicely segregated though- by sex or gender or what ever it is called today. So much for equality in their world.


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