Super Gonorrhea Is Here – IOTW Report

24 Comments on Super Gonorrhea Is Here

  1. …we laugh now, but you should probably realize that the person serving your food or bringing your Doordash is young enough to have it and may not be that great at washing her hands before touching your dinner, just sayin’…

  2. SNS,
    That’s one of the reasons that nobody serves me my food or brings me Doordash (whatever that may be).
    As a former Plumber, who started my working life at Ft. Myer’s Mess Hall as an employee of a contractor, and subsequently worked in Cafeterias and Kitchens – I prefer making my own meals and try to stay the Hell out of Restaurants.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. … and its cousin, MDR-TB. Multi drug resistant tuberculosis.
    No testing of illegals and who knows where they are anyway?
    Just for new measure, there’s a whole bunch of border jumpers that want in, and they won’t be tested, either.
    They’ll just say it is a mutated form of the wuhan virus. Multi-spectrum diversuty.
    They say ‘fuck Uncle Sam, we want uncle joe’

  4. Wait?! ….WHAT?! Who’s prescribing antibiotics for a virus? Antibiotics are used against bacteria, not virii. (grumble mumble)

  5. Cynic, something green and purple and oozing yellowish slime and causes you to be like the human torch with a burning pecker. It’s theme song would be the long version of Light My Fire by The Doors. And totally appropriate for the Burning Man freak show in the Nevada desert every year. Or the San Franfreako Gay pride parade. Whoopie, (Country Joe and the Fish singing) they’re all gonna die from the superclap.

  6. I stupidly had the clap once, it’s something I never want to have ever again. Thank God for Penicillin and having to learn the hard way, I should’ve listened to some friends and never had gone into Olongapo City in the Philippines. It was the closest I’ve ever been to the gates of Hell, just like in the Proverbs (the first 9 chapters of the Book of Proverbs) where it warns about places like that. Proverbs 5:20 from the Message Bible (my favorite translation), “Why should you trade enduring intimacies for cheap thrills with a whore? for dalliance with a promiscuous stranger? Fortunately God’s grace and mercy protected my marriage to my wife for 35 and half years before she died from leukemia almost 8 years ago. I don’t blame anyone else for my stupidity but myself and wish I had stayed the hell out of there.


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