Supermarkets are relatively unlikely spots for coronavirus infection, data suggests – IOTW Report

Supermarkets are relatively unlikely spots for coronavirus infection, data suggests

Just The News: Numbers to date suggest relatively little risk — either for shoppers or, more surprisingly, grocery workers.

A staple of the American economy and way of life, grocery stores have in recent weeks become places of significant fear for many Americans wary that the crowded, sometimes close-quarter environments may represent a prime infection vector for coronavirus. 

Yet several studies, as well as ongoing data regarding coronavirus outbreaks and worker infection rates, continue to suggest that supermarkets pose relatively little risk both for those who shop in them and, even more surprisingly, for those who work long shifts in them. 

Since the arrival of the pandemic in the United States, grocery stores here have responded with significant mitigation and sanitization measures. Many have dialed back their hours to allow for aggressive cleaning procedures. Others have installed plastic protective shields at cash registers and checkouts. Most major food retailers have made it mandatory for workers to wear masks while on the job. Chains like Walmart and Kroger have imposed capacity limits on their buildings. 

Many of those measures, however, have only appeared over the last several weeks — well after there were already indicators that grocery shopping posed relatively little risk for infection.  read more

14 Comments on Supermarkets are relatively unlikely spots for coronavirus infection, data suggests

  1. People seem to get stuck on an original premise or scientific theory and no amount of new information can pry them away from continuing to act on it. There was enough data available a month ago to justify completely reopening with restrictions only for vulnerable groups.

  2. Hours on the phone with my State and Local health departments, after online research failed, back in mid march failed to produce any evidence that the virus was as bad as claimed or that there was any evidence available that would justify the lockdown actions.

    And this was all what should be easily available public data, data which has been available in the past and was allegedly being used by the authorities, that was readily available in the past.

    IMO, this indicated there was never any science involved in the orders and that they were all strictly political agenda driven from the start.

    And most everyone has bought into it and supported it, at least locally.

  3. I can now go shopping without a mask then, right? No? Then I’m not going. Illinois for phase III they want to spray down the POS after every sale in order to open retail. So a chemical we all have to touch and breathe is somehow better?

    The average age of a covid death is older than the mortality rate in America, you’re lucky to get the chinese flu, it will actually increase your life expectancy.

  4. Walpurgis
    MAY 27, 2020 AT 8:53 AM
    “People seem to get stuck on an original premise or scientific theory and no amount of new information can pry them away from continuing to act on it.”

    …that’s because if you stop running headlong into the stupid after you’ve started, it would be tatamount to admitting you’re WRONG.

    Democrats NEVER, EVER admit they are WRONG, they DOUBLE DOWN on the wrong instead.

    They are counting on getting enough people to do wrong that it LOOKS right, because everyone’s doing it. Same thing they do when they try to make homosexuality and other perversions look more prevalent than they ARE. “See, EVERYONE’S doing it, YOU must be wrong! SCREECH!!!!”

    …also, even if businesses DID accept the reality that this is stupid and tried to dial it back NOW, the Democrats and their media lickspittles have done such an effective job of scaring the lofos and the sans-culottes that, best case no one would go to or work in their stores or, worst case, angry hoi polloi would be SO whipped into a frenzy by sanpaku Democrats desperate to destroy the United States that they’d burn it down like a witch, loot the surrounding neighborhood, and have House hearings convened to nationalize their business and put them in jail for crimes against Coronavirus, not to mention the lawsuits from anyone who got the sniffles at any time after patronizing their reverted business even YEARS after the fact.

    So, barring a sea change in American politics, tort reform legislation for this SPECIFIC issue, and a suddenly MUCH smarter and less Karen population, this IS, indeed, the new normal.

    We’re stuck with it.

    When Democrats punish you for wrongthink, the punishment is PERMANANT.

    It’s always easier to destroy than to create.

    That’s why Democrats do it so much…

  5. extirpates
    MAY 27, 2020 AT 9:27 AM
    “Covid 19 is spread by living in close quarters with others, like home confinement…”

    ..or like living in Third World conditions with Third World hygiene and Third World eating practices in Third World numbers, like the Democrats have imported to ALL the major cities where, not coincidentally, the WORST outbreaks are.

    …if you want everyone to LIVE like they’re in the Third World, you really shouldn’t be surprised when they DIE like they’re in the Third World…

  6. Anon @ 901

    At least you got through, you must have better phone numbers.

    Hours on the phone TRYING to call State and Local any agencies in Charlotte is futile. They don’t do tele-phones. They say they do e-mail texts but that means having an email account to text. My tele-phone doesn’t understand texted e-mail, but it does have a menu language setting for Spanish.

    Who or where does one call when nobody will pick up?

    E-mail and Voice Mails.
    One of the most efficient ways to ensure nothing gets done, ever, and to look so very busy doing it.

  7. Scientists are nothing but a bunch of lying leftists. You cannot believe a damn thing they say.

    They will show you unending charts about how anything they want to do is safe and anything you want to do, like church, will kill you.

    Fuck very scientist. They are either liars or chickenshits who are afraid to out the liars.

  8. David Shawn
    MAY 27, 2020 AT 10:35 AM

    “…Fuck very scientist. They are either liars or chickenshits who are afraid to out the liars.”

    …they are also prostitutes with a service to sell. They will sell the highest grant bidder a complete “study” that magically plays into whatever confirmation bias the person commissioning the study wants to see.

    …and, since the same govenment that wants absolute power is the one commissioning the studies, well, surprise, surprise, surprise…

  9. For What It’s Worth

    When I met my wife decades ago she was a server at a restaurant and for many years after. She remembers that she never got sick, because the wait staff spends a great deal of time with their hands in bleach-water while performing their various duties. After she left for a better job elsewhere, and ever since, she gets sick just like everyone else.

    Begs the question about closing restaurants, and more troubling, making the staff wear gloves. People who wear gloves don’t wash their hands as often, and gloves are actually a good surface for preserving contaminates!

  10. All I know is that the kids down at the local Piggly Wiggly cum whole foods have been “essential” since this shit started and none of them have communist cough.


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