Supporters Raise $1.8M for Daniel Penny’s Legal Defense Fund – IOTW Report

Supporters Raise $1.8M for Daniel Penny’s Legal Defense Fund


Since being charged with manslaughter for the death of Jordan Neely, former Marine Daniel Penny has seen his legal defense fund raise nearly $2 million from supporters across the nation.

As reported by Fox News, the fundraiser on the conservative website GiveSendGo raised over $1.8 million as of Sunday. The fundraiser was posted by Raiser & Kenniff P.C., the law firm representing Penny after he was charged with manslaughter in the second degree for the incident on May 1st. The funds are expected to cover not only Penny’s defense in the upcoming criminal trial, but to also cover any further civil suits he may face, with leftover funds being donated to charity.

“Any proceeds collected which exceed those necessary to cover Mr. Penny’s legal defense will be donated to a mental health advocacy program in New York City,” the webpage states.

“The outpouring of generosity and support for Daniel Penny, is beyond anything we could have imagined,” said the law firm in a statement. “Daniel is incredibly grateful for the support of so many New Yorkers.”

During the incident in question, the 30-year-old Jordan Neely, a homeless black man, was harassing and threatening multiple passengers on a New York City subway. Witnesses said he tore off his jacket and threw it on the ground, before screaming that he was ready to go to prison and that he was not afraid to die.

10 Comments on Supporters Raise $1.8M for Daniel Penny’s Legal Defense Fund

  1. Any proceeds collected which exceed those necessary to cover Mr. Penny’s legal defense should first be used to purchase tar, feathers and a rail stout enough to support Alvin Bragg & Eric Adams fat asses and a fucking marching band

  2. The defense fund is irrelevant.

    No one can outspend government.

    They will bankrupt him, lock him up as a flight risk, and get continuance after continuance from a Democrat judge until the sun explodes, so all the money will be spent on sending lawyers to all these continuances that it will run out and he’ll be jailed forever and never even come to trial.

    They need prove nothing.

    The process is the punishment.

    Especially if they arrange for a BLM killer to shank him in the exercise yard.


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