Supporting Gun Rights Is Pro-Life – IOTW Report

Supporting Gun Rights Is Pro-Life


Instances of defensive gun use save lives every day, but the stories get very little news coverage and the negative gun use instances are often covered by the national news media for days on end.DECEMBER 31, 2019 By Ryan Moore

As during a Texas church shooting on Sunday, guns save lives, so supporting the Second Amendment is pro-life. Abortion, on the other hand, takes a life every single time.

Studies on incidents of defensive gun use range anywhere from an absurdly low 55,000 to a high of 4.7 million per year. The most commonly cited and widely accepted is the 1995 study by Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz, which estimates that between 2.1 and 2.5 million defensive gun use instances occur in the United States each year.

By contrast, from 1993-2011, nonfatal firearm-related crime ranged between 1,287,190 and 331,618 incidents per year. This data makes a strong case that defensive gun use is much more common than firearm-related crime. Instances of defensive gun use save lives every day, but the stories get very little news coverage, while the statistically much fewer negative gun uses are often covered by the national news media for days on end. read more

4 Comments on Supporting Gun Rights Is Pro-Life

  1. How many times have we heard a Leftist say: You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet?

    Well sometimes you have to break a few bad eggs!
    The tragedy, of course, is not the bad egg. The real tragedy is that whomever shoots the SOB has to live with it. The only way to live with something like that is to recognize that good people were saved by stopping evil.

  2. What’s funny is that “Once Upon a Time in America” self-defense was EXPECTED!
    As a biological imperative!

    If you didn’t protect yourself you were, somehow, beneath contempt – lower than whale shit – and unworthy of anyone else risking his life to protect you.

    Sometimes progress isn’t.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Tim JANUARY 1, 2020 AT 7:28 AM

    Always reading and have recently returned to a collection of Jack London. His portrayals echo your thoughts in spades, but then he was dead in 1916.

  4. “Police professionals” agree that defensive use of firearms far exceeds gun crimes. Unfortunately, police CHIEFS make official policy, and they, being political appointees, are overwhelmingly liberal, and therefore support gun control laws, and thus get all the press.


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