Supreme Court abortion leak latest in series of institutional betrayals – IOTW Report

Supreme Court abortion leak latest in series of institutional betrayals

Just The News:

The CIA’s “Family Jewels.” Edward Snowden’s revelations on surveillance and a FISA warrant. Former President Donald Trump’s private conversations with world leaders. And now a purported draft Supreme Court opinion on abortion.

Two decades of endless and consequential leaks have left behind a trail of institutional betrayal that have rocked Washington, and sometimes the world.

Some believe the most recent leak was an effort to sabotage the Supreme Court’s final opinion on what may be a landmark abortion case if the documents published Monday night by Politico are true.

“I think it’s plainly an attempt by the left to try and change the outcome in this case and corrupt the process, and the court must not allow that to happen,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) declared to Fox News’ Sean Hannity.

Shocking confidential revelations to the media date to the Watergate era, when military analyst Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers detailing the U.S.’s involvement in Vietnam on the front page of The New York Times in 1971. more

12 Comments on Supreme Court abortion leak latest in series of institutional betrayals

  1. “…a trail of institutional betrayal…”
    Pfffttt…..You wanna talk about “institutional betrayal”?
    How about the betrayal of these institutions of the US citizens, the US Republic, and the Constitution?

  2. I’d almost want to suggest standing guard in front of the SCrotUS building to protect from PantyFag anf #BurnLootMurder “mostly peaceful protests”.
    But it’s in Mordor-on-the-Potomac. ANd too many of the Black Robed Vultures are RINOs (at best) and outright DildoCrats (at worst). Plus, there’s the Capital Po-po that could be called out to protect them (ROFLOLMFAO!). Or None-see can call out the National Guard (HA! as if!)

    This would seem to fit:

  3. Is the FBI going to raid the house of the Politico reporter who published the Alito opinion? Or is that just reserved for reporters who get Ashley Biden’s diary? Asking for a friend.

  4. US govt “institutions” are comprised of coddled ppl making decent bank for little effort, protected by unions, aren’t subject to rules (obamacare) the rest of the citizenry are, and retire with a nice fat pension.

    IOW they’re akin to my 11 yo niece who, after being repeatedly “warned” by my libtardo sister to “STOP THAT or I’M GONNA TAKE AWAY YOUR iphone”, smirks, rolls eyes and continues on her merry way.

    No consequences, no course correction.

  5. Institutional Betrayal goes back to when Hitlery scoffed at FOIA SUBPOENAS. “With a washcloth?!”

    Or further back, when Sandy Berger smuggled classified documents out in his boxer shorts.

  6. Bill Clinton to Monica Lewinsky: Haayyyyyy Baybeeeee, wanna see my subpoena?

    Monica L: I’ve heard about them, but what are they?

    Bill opens fly: See?

    Monica L: So that’s what those things look like!

  7. “I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions” – Chuck Schumer Mar 2020

  8. “Confidential” holdings negate (“reduce to zero”, for those what can’t mafs), the veneer of a sham of a scam of “It’s a reeeEEEeeepublic!”.

    “Rule by judicial precedent” negate, the veneer of a sham of a scam of “Our democracy”.

    What else you got, gibbering tard “boy”?

  9. SCOTUS’ ‘leak’ was done deliberately and in advance to prompt (more) violence and carnage in addition to being a distraction to the Joe Biden criminal acts of human trafficking and running illegal women, engineered war, engineered inflation, Hunter Biden schemes and underhanded involvements, Joe Biden’s drug smuggling schemes and numerous other RICO-worthy acts of which he and his family profit handsomely. The ‘leak’ was a deliberate tactic to hide and distract.

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