Supreme Court agrees to hear challenge over Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate on businesses – IOTW Report

Supreme Court agrees to hear challenge over Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate on businesses

Just The News: The Supreme Court announced Wednesday it will hold a special hearing Jan. 7, 2022, on the legality of Biden administration vaccine mandates on healthcare workers and private companies with more than 100 people. 

The court’s decision to quickly take up the cases follows a series of different rulings in lower courts. The mandates will remain in place pending January’s oral arguments. 

The cases were rushed to the Supreme Court due to the time-sensitive nature of the Biden administration’s mandates. More than 17 million healthcare workers are required by the federal government to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by Jan. 4, 2022. Private businesses with more than 100 employees also face this deadline, which affects 84 million Americans. more

12 Comments on Supreme Court agrees to hear challenge over Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate on businesses

  1. They won’t hear the complaints until Jan 7?
    “More than 17 million healthcare workers are required by the federal government to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by Jan. 4, 2022. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, meanwhile, announced over the weekend it was postponing until Jan. 10 the deadline for compliance with the vaccine mandate on private businesses with more than 100 employees, which affects 84 million Americans.”
    “Rather than stopping the mandate, the justices are delaying a decision until after hearing the cases in January.”
    This is just posturing. They will say something like “Since the mandate is already in effect we have no standing…”

  2. mickey moussaoui
    DECEMBER 23, 2021 AT 8:20 AM
    “Democrats are tearing the nation apart.”

    Part of “Build Back Better”

    Nero wanted to rebuild Rome into a stunning city of marble and brick, but he had a problem.

    There was already a city he DIDN’T like there, full of people he didn’t like.

    His answer was to burn it down, and use it as an excuse to also murder people who wouldn’t be absolutely ruled by him, but believed in a higher power.

    …it’s like that…

  3. @Jethro December 23, 2021 at 8:14 am

    > What about all the poor people who were forced to take the jab in the meantime?

    Nobody was “forced” to take the jab(s).

    So, the rest of us call that “breathing room”.

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