Supreme Court begins hearing GOP-led case to end 0bamacare – IOTW Report

Supreme Court begins hearing GOP-led case to end 0bamacare

Just The News: The Supreme Court is set Tuesday to hear its third major case related to the 2010 Affordable Care Act.

The case was filed by Republican attorneys general in 18 states and the Trump administration and seeks to strike down the law, which covers an estimated 23 million people in the country, according to the Associated Press.

The suit seeks to eliminate protection for people with preexisting medical conditions seeking health insurance, subsidized insurance premiums that make coverage more affordable and an expansion of the federal Medicaid program for low-income Americans in most states.

California is leading a group of Democratic-controlled states that is urging the court to leave the law in place, the wire service also reports. more

14 Comments on Supreme Court begins hearing GOP-led case to end 0bamacare

  1. It’s about fucking time!
    The GOP is not The Stupid Party; it’s the Cowardly Party.
    Even if Trump can beat the cheating Dems and get his rightful 2nd term, WHAT THE HELL WE GONNA DO IN 2024?

  2. I foresee the defecation hitting the rotating wind propulsion device.
    The hospitals and insurance companies will at least have to kiss you first, before…….
    2024 – Pence, Don Jr, how about Kayleigh McEnany. I bet she can kick AOC ass.

  3. We’ve had little to cheer about this last week, but it puts a smile on my face to think how those Dem Senators, so worried that ACB would spike their beloved Obamacare if confirmed, now gets her chance, I hope they choke on their bile.

    Obamacare was so convoluted (by design, of course) that it makes my head spin. Any replacement system that 1)provides more choice and control for the patient and 2)is cost efficient to the point of saving tax dollars, I’m all for.

    But who really thinks the Republicans can come up with something better?

  4. The very dead and finally buried Senator John McCain and the very politicalized, conflicted Chief Justice John Roberts are responsible for this colossal mess. If the Supreme Court doesn’t kill Obamacare it will soon become Obidencare. Billions tossed away and millions of people with their insurance wrecked in order to socialize Heath Care, because the government always needs more things to ruin.

  5. Justice Thomas seems to be asking questions that may mean a zero penalty for non compliance to a mandate removes any grounds for challenging it since there are no damages involved.

  6. One piece removed (The ‘mandatory buy’ part that the whole bill was based on, plus that it was a penalty, not a tax) should make the entire bill fall apart. It should, but hey, you know how that goes.

  7. How many rural hospitals got shut down or bought up, thanks to Obamacare.
    The local university hospital fired at least the top 5% of workers and kept their pension funds.
    A friend of mine, top pediatric nurse, lost 18 years of pension. Change their 3 strike rule, to 1 and done.


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