Supreme Court blocks Biden administration’s eviction moratorium – IOTW Report

Supreme Court blocks Biden administration’s eviction moratorium

Just The News:

The Supreme Court blocked the Biden administration’s COVID-19 eviction moratorium, allowing evictions to resume.

On Thursday, the Supreme Court said in an unsigned opinion that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) did not have the authority under federal law, without express congressional authorization, to reimpose the eviction moratorium on Aug. 3, the Washington Times reported.

The three liberal justices dissented in the decision.

According to the Census Bureau data from early August, about 3.5 million people in the U.S. said they face eviction in the upcoming two months.

11 Comments on Supreme Court blocks Biden administration’s eviction moratorium

  1. Either 3.5 million people face eviction or 3.5 million landlords will have their property foreclosed, after which 3.5 million people will be evicted.

    Leftists don’t like to think these things through.

  2. There’s a guy across the street from a friend I have that rented another house out on the same block as the one he’s on. They rented it a little before this scam started, and the new renters gave him first and last. They never made another payment. I think it’s been going on for almost two years now. Now to get them out of the house when this ends he has to give them $4000 to boot, and fix the damage. Multnomah county, Oregon.
    I’m pretty sure his retirement is gone.

  3. This is more important than anyone realizes.

    the eviction moratorium is designed to bankrupt small personal real estate owners. They have a tougher time financing than Real Estate Investment Trusts & Housing Corporations. One the little guys loose their properties, the investment groups move in, buy the assets & the government has fewer independents to deal with.

    It a bit more complicated but the legislation is designed to squash the person with a couple condo units in favour of companies on the stock market.

  4. This is flat out theft. I would have more respect for an admitted thief who points a gun in my face and robs me than I do for a piece of shit who votes for others to do their stealing by proxy.

  5. So what did these clowns do with all the extra covid cash they got while sitting around playing video games? They should have been paying rent. I have a mortgage and didn’t miss one payment during this whole time. SMH…


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