Supreme Court blocks Cuomo’s orders against religious gatherings – IOTW Report

Supreme Court blocks Cuomo’s orders against religious gatherings

PML: The Supreme Court has blocked the restrictions imposed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York which restricted the number of people allowed to worship together.

“Even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten,” they wrote.

The suit was brought by Catholic and Jewish groups from New York, who railed against the limitations as violations of their First Amendment rights. more

10 Comments on Supreme Court blocks Cuomo’s orders against religious gatherings

  1. Chief Justice Roberts is tipping his hand with this decision. He’s revealing his inner Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The U.S. Constitution is a piece of old parchment that needs to be updated from the bench whenever the opportunity arises. He’s not about to upset all those Obiden-Kalamity supporters. He saved Obamacare and he will try to save CNN’s President Elect.

  2. Someone pointed out on Twitter that at least Roberts shows someone who is willing to ‘change sides’, as it were, based upon his personal opinion and not his party. In fact even Kavanaugh and Gorsuch have surprised us a couple of times. While I vehemently disagree with Roberts’ view on this and many other cases, it is pretty clear that the three Dem-appointed justices never waver in siding with their party’s demands.


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