Supreme Court Declines to Intervene in Texas Abortion Law Case for 2nd Time – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Declines to Intervene in Texas Abortion Law Case for 2nd Time


The U.S. Supreme Court has, for a second time, declined to intervene in a lawsuit challenging a Texas abortion ban.

In a 6–3 ruling on Thursday (pdf), the court declined abortion providers’ request to intervene in the case challenging the state’s abortion ban, known as the Texas Heartbeat Act or Senate Bill 8 (S.B. 8).

The law went into effect in September 2021, banning abortions after a heartbeat is detected—usually at around six weeks gestation—unless a medical emergency exists. There is no exception for a pregnancy due to incest or rape.

On Sept. 1, 2021, when the law went into effect, the Supreme Court on the same day denied an effort to block the measure, in a 5–4 ruling.

Whole Woman’s Health, which operates four Texas abortion clinics as well as other clinics in five other states, had sued to overturn the law. read more

6 Comments on Supreme Court Declines to Intervene in Texas Abortion Law Case for 2nd Time

  1. Before we start high-diving each other over this victory, be aware that California leftists are already preparing anti-second amendment legislation using the same enforcement mechanism as the Texas pro-life law, which now has been sanctioned by the Supremes. Matt Christiansen did a YT video on this a while back.

  2. Tony

    Yes that us true, however there is no constitutional right to murder a fetus, no matter how loudly they scream there is.

    There is a clearly defined constitutional to keep and bear arms and the SC has already validated that right on more than one occasion.

    They think they are clever copy cats but they are really just stupid pussies…

  3. That’s one thing SCOTUS got right.
    Unless if you are saving the mother’s life from imminent danger. Unfortunately sometimes you have to kill in order to safe life. But even that should be rarely done, given the medical advancement these days, and only if confirmed the mother’s live is in real danger.
    Otherwise, abortion is murder no matter how you justify it.


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