Supreme Court denies bond hearings for illegal immigrants who return after being deported – IOTW Report

Supreme Court denies bond hearings for illegal immigrants who return after being deported

FOX: The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that illegal immigrants who reentered the U.S. without authorization after already having been deported are not entitled to bond hearings.

A 6-3 decision split between the court’s conservative and liberal justices held that a federal statute requiring detention for non-residents who have already received an administratively final removal order applied, even though the illegal immigrants were seeking withholding hearings to keep them from being sent back to their countries of origin. The court ruled that because they were now facing removal based on the reinstatement of the previous final order, they were not entitled to a hearing to argue for release.

“[T]he finality of the order of removal does not depend in any way on the outcome of the withholding-only proceedings,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the court’s opinion, reversing a ruling by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. more

3 Comments on Supreme Court denies bond hearings for illegal immigrants who return after being deported

  1. Any returnee who can swim around Martha’s Vineyard should bee. allowed a hearing. With the shark infestation of the waters, chances of survival are non-existant.

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