Supreme Court denies challenge to Texas abortion law – again – IOTW Report

Supreme Court denies challenge to Texas abortion law – again

Just the News:

The Supreme Court on Thursday voted six to three not to hear a case challenging the Texas abortion law again.

The case was brought forward by abortion providers in the state of Texas, including Planned Parenthood.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals sent the case to the Supreme Court on Monday.

Abortions in Texas are banned by law after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which is typically around six weeks. Citizens are free to sue abortion providers and people who help women terminate a pregancy. more

4 Comments on Supreme Court denies challenge to Texas abortion law – again

  1. Congrats to the Legal Eagles in Texas for producing some Lawfare and shoving it right back at the Leftoids for a change. If you Need Planned Parenthood services for birth control I guess you will have to find another state to live in. I hope Tennessee follows suit.


  2. “This case is a disaster … disservice to women …who have a right to control their own bodies”
    Says the same judge who wants to force you to take a shot and wear a mask. What makes one life more worthy of “protecting” than the other. This women is too stupid to think straight and certainly should not be a Supreme Court anything. Good work Texas!


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