Supreme Court Grants Win to NY Nuns Who Were Forced to Support Abortion – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Grants Win to NY Nuns Who Were Forced to Support Abortion

Faithwire: The U.S. Supreme Court has made a move in favor of religious liberty. On Monday, the high court ordered a rehearing of a case in which nuns were being forced to violate their pro-life beliefs by New York’s controversial abortion mandate.

The nuns are part of a coalition of religious groups that had petitioned the high court to protect them from the rule that orders them to violate their devout religious beliefs.

The New York Court of Appeals is now being ordered to reconsider Diocese of Albany v. Emami, a case challenging New York state’s directive requiring employers to cover abortions in their employee health insurance plans. 

Each group is challenging New York’s abortion mandate because it believes that life begins at the moment of conception, and to terminate the life of an unborn child is a moral sin. 

Two laws firms, Becket and Jones Day, represent the plaintiffs which include the Sisterhood of Saint Mary, an Anglican order of nuns committed to serving others through youth outreach.  more here

3 Comments on Supreme Court Grants Win to NY Nuns Who Were Forced to Support Abortion

  1. It’s ridiculous, just like the Christian bakery refusing to bake a cake celebrating gay marriage but of course far worse. Leftists can easily find someone who will do the job, but instead they get a willing government to help them force others to follow their low moral code.


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