Supreme Court Halts Judge-Ordered Redistricting in Ohio, Michigan – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Halts Judge-Ordered Redistricting in Ohio, Michigan

Epoch Times:

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court has granted emergency stays halting forced congressional redistricting statewide in both Ohio and Michigan that was ordered by U.S. district court judges who found that boundaries of electoral districts had been improperly drawn.

The emergency orders were granted while the Supreme Court separately considers whether state electoral maps in North Carolina and Maryland were gerrymandered, or unfairly manipulated for partisan advantage. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the two different legal challenges on March 26 and is expected to rule on those cases next month.

This means ahead of the presidential and congressional elections in 2020 that the electoral maps of four states in all—Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, and Maryland—could change dramatically, leading to upheaval and grief for both political parties.

The applications, granted May 24, on the cusp of the Memorial Day weekend, were submitted to Justice Sonia Sotomayor, acting in her capacity as the Supreme Court’s Circuit Justice for the Sixth Circuit, which includes both Ohio and Michigan. The orders didn’t explain the court’s rationale for acting in the two cases. No justices filed dissents opposing the stays. Granting these stays implies the Supreme Court will hear these cases.

The lower court ruling concerning Ohio had required the state to have a new electoral map in place by June 14. That three-judge panel also indicated it could make a new map on its own with assistance from a judicial officer known as a special master. The lawsuit that led to the order was brought by the Ohio A. Philip Randolph Institute and other left-leaning activist groups. Randolph was a socialist labor leader who died in 1979. read more

9 Comments on Supreme Court Halts Judge-Ordered Redistricting in Ohio, Michigan

  1. FTA: “…The 2012 map dilutes the votes of Democratic voters by packing and cracking them into districts that are so skewed toward one party that the electoral outcome is predetermined.”

    Know what else packs and cracks in favor of the dems? Open borders. But the Koch brothers and dems (I repeat myself), already know this.

  2. Maryland looks like drunken Democrats used melted string cheese to draw the lines between the huge DC lefty strongholds and conservative rural districts. A decade or so ago they even stretched a miles long pencil wide line to get around his HOUSE to screw the Republican Governor and it’s still there after he’s long gone. Bastids.

  3. So, two centuries of Gerrymandering to benefit the democrats? No problem. Finally, the republicans grow a pair and give this gerrymandering thing a try…and all hell breaks loose! Really, the dems are much better at this game than the republicans, although their success depended on the republicans to roll over and play dead. But lucky for the country, the “Wise Latina” is on the job!

  4. Gerrymandering needs to be ended. Both parties abuse it. It should never have started. It’s a sick manipulation of democracy no matter who does it.


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