Supreme Court Justice Kennedy May Retire in 2018 – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Justice Kennedy May Retire in 2018

Hannity: Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy has told prospective job applicants in his office that he is considering retirement late next year; hiring law clerks through October 2018 but not beyond.

According to experts, it is common for Supreme Court Justices to hire four law clerks per term but only one if the individual is considering retirement.

The move is done as a courtesy to other Justices, who take on the pre-existing employees as a courtesy to the office and its workers.

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14 Comments on Supreme Court Justice Kennedy May Retire in 2018

  1. The scotus is why I believe the dems are so unhinged over Trump. they are panicked & will do all they can to prevent him from getting anymore appointments.

  2. Man plans, God demands.
    Postpone retirement long enough and Judge Aneurism and Justice Aortal Sclerosis will call “time’s up”.
    I’m talkin’ to you too, Ginsburg. Don’t bother ordering any more lace collars.

    PDT will have appointed at least 3 of the 9 SCOTUS before his first term. I’m hoping more.

    And happy Independence Day to BFH and all our fellow Americans! Winning!

  3. Good riddance to this liberal asshole who has sided with the communists judges on the not so sSupreme Court so many times. Senile old fool can’t leave soon enough.

  4. The court watchers need to watch Ginzberg now very closely. You can be sure that the liberals will try their best to protect and hide any infirmaties that prevent her from properly executing the duties of her job. When something shows up the Trump administration must jump on it (hell, everybody hates him already) and force her to prove she can still do the job. If not then Congress must remove her from the court for the good of the country and Trump must fill the vacancy.

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