Supreme Court Paves the Way for Deportation of Criminal Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Paves the Way for Deportation of Criminal Illegal Immigrants

Western Journal-

The Supreme Court on Thursday made it easier to deport illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a crime.

Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the opinion for a 5-3 conservative majority that ruled against a Mexican citizen who entered the U.S. illegally and has lived in the country for 25 years.

The man, Clemente Avelino Pereida, had been charged in Nebraska with using a fraudulent Social Security card to get a job and convicted under a state law against criminal impersonation.

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11 Comments on Supreme Court Paves the Way for Deportation of Criminal Illegal Immigrants

  1. Hard to believe the US Supreme Court made this ruling. It is the right thing to do since we have plenty of native criminals here already.

  2. Only took 25 years to say adios. Wonder how long it took the US citizen to straighten out their identity theft.

    No worries though. There are hundreds of thousands currently crossing the border to replace him.

  3. I never actually realized common sense was such a difficult concept until you watch how those in power respond to basic human instincts and the U.S. Constitution.

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