Supreme Court rejects church challenge to Nevada COVID restrictions, White House slams ruling – IOTW Report

Supreme Court rejects church challenge to Nevada COVID restrictions, White House slams ruling

Just The News: The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a Christian church’s plea to ease Nevada’s COVID-19 restrictions and allow additional worshipers at Sunday services in a ruling that showcased a sharp divide among the justices.

“The application for injunctive relief presented to JUSTICE KAGAN and by her referred to the Court is denied,” the court ruled without further explanation in rejecting an appeal by Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley.

At issue was a Nevada rule that limited church services to 50 people – regardless of the size of the church building — while allowing other commercial entities like casinos and theaters to have customers up to 50 percent of their building capacity.

Four conservative justices — Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch — strongly dissented, arguing the differing standards created unequal protection under the law. read more

15 Comments on Supreme Court rejects church challenge to Nevada COVID restrictions, White House slams ruling

  1. So the so-called supreme Court is in violation of the First Amendment! Perhaps they should read, study and ponder the very simple but profound, writings of the Constitution! This was a no brainer and they still got it wrong, probably on purpose, which they are constantly wont to do!

  2. I, like most of us, have read the Constitution. I’ve read a good portion of the Federalist papers. None of which are confusing or ambiguous. WTF is wrong with our Justices? They could easily be replaced by a computer app. Either it meets Constitutional criteria or it doesn’t.

  3. FWIW, I’ve heard that a “John Roberts” is listed on the passenger logs of the Lolita Express to Epstein’s Island.

    The source for that is Hal Turner and it came through Steve Quayle’s website, so take it with a bit of suspicion, and even Turner admits it may not be the same John Roberts as Justice Roberts (but Hal’s been gaining a lot of more credibility lately, and Epstein didn’t hobnob with anyone that wasn’t important).

    Consider it a rumor until substantiated, not a fact, but one that might be worth looking into if anything more emerges about it.

    It would certainly explain a lot if it was the same one, wouldn’t it?

  4. Our only hope is for RBG to drop dead while President Trump is still in office and the republicans still hold the senate. We are holding on by a thread.

    They should have presented this case representing a mosque; then it might have succeeded.

  5. The “supreme court” is filled with Injustices who are not qualified to be there.Barry was not qualified to appoint anybody, he lacked Constitutional Authority.

  6. Notice how the leftist judges always vote in lockstep with no reference to the law? Pure partisans who no longer even pretend otherwise. They represent the political will of the democrat party.

  7. Shocked! A far left President puts a hyper liberal as Chief! Hard to believe.

    Disclaimer – I told everyone 15 years ago this leftist Judge was anti conservative!
    Roberts is the worst chief ever! GWB lied!


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