Supreme Court Rejects Stormy Daniels’ Defamation Suit Against Trump – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Rejects Stormy Daniels’ Defamation Suit Against Trump

Conservative Brief:

The Supreme Court rejected Stormy Daniels’ defamation suit against President Donald Trump on Monday.

The porn star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, sued President Trump in 2018 after he tweeted a suggestion that she was lying about having been threatened by an “unknown man” in 2011 over her alleged affair.

The case had been previously dismissed by lower courts, but Daniels decided to take it to the Supreme Court.

But the justices just denied her petition without comment.

“The case arose after Daniels released a sketch of the man who she claims threatened her in a parking lot and ordered her to “Leave Trump alone.” The purported confrontation came as Daniels was weighing whether to go public with the story of her extramarital affair with Trump,” The Hill reported.

After the sketch was made public, Trump responded derisively on Twitter.

“A sketch years later about a nonexistent man,” Trump tweeted. “A total con job, playing the Fake News Media for Fools (but they know it)!”

Daniels later sued, claiming Trump’s tweet amounted to defamation.

The sketch looked exactly like her husband Brendon Miller.

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16 Comments on Supreme Court Rejects Stormy Daniels’ Defamation Suit Against Trump

  1. When a Court makes a decision regarding a dispute between two parties I’ve noticed that one side is always happy about it and the other side unhappy.

    Can’t quite understand why, seems to me that everyone should be happy the dispute is finally settled, over, and done with.

  2. Who??
    I mean gosh who gives a shit about this whore? The media ran with so many fake scandals and gossip that this stormy flooze literally slipped from my memory until just now.

    Can’t wait to forgot she existed all over again. 🙂

  3. SNS – I’m with you on Avenatti – Scum though he be, he’s no worse than what’s in there now…
    You got that right! Nothing… and I mean NOTHING should surprise us now! DemocRATz have now written new “election reform” laws known as the “For The People Act”. Yeah… for the people my ass! They’re just straight-out dick-slapping the American people by framing fraud in law and they’re proud of it!! At least Justice Thomas had the brass to say something!

    (BTW – remember when Joe Biden presided over Anita Hill fiasco? It was labeled a “high-tech lynching” thus making Jackass Joe the dumbest White man in history who actually attempted to lynch a Black man with a pubic hair!)

  4. That reminds me, Michael Avanatti was released from jail back in April for 90 days because Covid. He is still living it up in LA under “house arrest”. Any bets that Biden either pardons him or his “justice” department drops the charges.

  5. …Hank was concerned Guam would “tip over”, which isn’t full Posideon Adventure inversion, it would just flip up on one end in his mind like this:


    …And then it could right itself after everyone slipped off.

    …I’ve never been there myself, but FWIW, I mentioned this comment to a Sergeant I knew had been stationed there, and he said as thickly populated as that place is, he wouldn’t be surprised…

  6. Tony R
    FEBRUARY 23, 2021 AT 11:41 AM
    “Is that inspector Frank Drebbin, police squad at the beginning of that clip?”

    …yep, good eye. The guy that’s in it just long enough to flip the ship over is none other than the great Leslie Neilson himself…

    …you never know, just yesterday I was watching an old Andy Griffith episode when Angel Eyes from “The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly”, Lee Van Cleef himself, walked in and got his ass kicked by Andy’s second-string Barney Fife, if you can believe that…

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