Supreme Court rules public can sue officials who block, mute them on social media – IOTW Report

Supreme Court rules public can sue officials who block, mute them on social media

PM: On Friday, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that members of the public can, in certain cases, sue government officials who block or mute them on social media.

The justices determined that whether a lawsuit is justified will depend not only on who the blocker is, but whether they acted using an official account where government business is conducted.

According to NBC News, Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote in the ruling that social media accounts can be viewed as official channels of communication when the user “possessed actual authority to speak on the state’s behalf” and “purported to exercise that authority.”

“In some circumstances,” she added, “the post’s content and function might make the plaintiff’s argument a slam dunk,” such as when the account is marked as official. more here

9 Comments on Supreme Court rules public can sue officials who block, mute them on social media

  1. “…a slam dunk…”

    That is pretty sad when supposedly intelligent people start talking sports jibber-jabber.

    SCROATUS is a bunch of pathetic shitbags who have never read the Constitution.

  2. Jibberish, Trump daily Truth Social post claims. Supreme Court lets start there 1st. Mofos who r looking for financial payments bigly time & who report to …..
    zip. Newsflash, next administration will address this shortcomings.

  3. @ Kcir – from Toronto, Home of M.F.’er Dominion voting sys. FRIDAY, 15 MARCH 2024, 22:50 AT 10:50 PM

    He’s already blowing ‘Big Mike’ and his husband. And now if you say that in Canada, you are lucky enough to get three meals a day while you rot in prision for the rest of your life.

  4. Now ain’t that mighty white of em?
    You *MAY* be able to sue treasonous gov’t maggots who trample your First Amendment Rights?
    IF you have enough money and IF you don’t mind being Arkancided.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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