Supreme Court Rules States Can Charge Illegal Immigrants For I.D. Theft – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Rules States Can Charge Illegal Immigrants For I.D. Theft

CB: The Supreme Court recently took on a case involving undocumented workers and ruled that illegal aliens who steal Americans’ Social Security numbers can be charged with a crime.

The SCOTUS issued a major 5-4 decision that illegal immigrants who use someone else’s information when filling out tax forms for employment can face criminal charges.

The Immigration Control and Reform Act (IRCA) makes it a federal crime to lie on the I-9 work authorization form while limiting how false information can be used. read more

31 Comments on Supreme Court Rules States Can Charge Illegal Immigrants For I.D. Theft

  1. But it’s fucking OK to steal an election. These assholes will go down in history as traitors. All but three should be hung. Our last defense caved. If you don’t have the balls to make tough decisions, withdraw your name from your nomination.

  2. :::::

    And no mother fucking US Military. They are in the process of being converted into Libtard storm troopers. We are so fucked. And the longer we wait the worse it gets.

  3. Yeppers, Social Security knows….^ 6 BILLION dollars a year that went into “A special fund” when my SS number was used for three years by Jose Godornez Pinion in the early 2000’s…..And yes the IRS knows as well. Took me back 10 years and decided I owed them NOTHING, but cost me 11 K to defend myself. My accountant found 1 K that the government owed me , but it was 3 years old and they didn’t have to pay….since then, I paid little or no taxes (It’s amazing how many goats you sell while maintaining a herd of 7 and 400 bales of alfalfa a year on two acres? spectacular!)…..I only pay use taxes today and I try to diminish that….there are ways…..

  4. Fuck, I hate liberals but I love this site that allows me to express my unabashed, first Amendment rights, which, unfortunately, has been stifled by too many touchy, feely ASSHOLES that either support communism, hate American patriots or both.

  5. Thank you Brad. Are you sure what the IRS mandates were in 1998 to 2001….I’m sure you are, fuckin genius that you is….. Wrastler, weight lifter, gun wrangler, bon vivant to the stars…..

    Look Retard, I’m leaving you alone in your comments. Please leave me alone….Go have some more Drambui and Norco….Tiger want you to sign his casts…..

    *Patiently waiting for Joe6Pak to chime in….tap, tap, tap*

  6. Like I said Willy, you’re a weird guy. You seem to consistently bring in imaginary adversaries into a discussion that they had nothing to do with your current problem. Don’t you have a boyfriend you can whip, or maybe an ex that you can call up and try to humiliate into a session of phone sex? I don’t know why I’m a target of yours, but it’s an old story. If you get out to Western Washington let me know, I’ll buy you dinner and drinks, maybe you’ll feel better about things.

  7. Thank you butterknife. Here it is….3 years seems to be a constant….

    And you did try to push the “Q” tomfoolery for several years. Own your own laundry….

  8. Goat boy, you idiot, that’s time limits on refunds a credits. Has nothing to do with what you were describing in your above post. How fucking stupid are you?
    Big picture, I just as easily could have been your friend. You chose this war, not me. Enjoy.

  9. LOLLOLOL…What in the fuck is imaginary adversaries, Joe6pak?….BOOM! there you are, as I predicted….You’ve called me “weird and an Idiot”. Why would I break bread with someone with that mouth…..

    Please read the Brad’s comments about the IRS and the 3 year rule with the article I provided. There are many articles that back that up. Probably a couple of commentator/accountants that could provide more clarity here….I’m willing to match bullshit with bullshit….If Brad loses this debate would he be willing to admit to be the bigger bullshiter?…..yeah….

  10. Goat Boy
    I’m not speaking for Joe6. A good man and a Patriot. But I’m done responding to you. I come here to discuss whats happening to our country with like minded people. You could give a shit less. Good luck. I think you should pursue some form of help.

  11. Seriously?
    They needed SCOTUS to rule those who are already here illegally are not exempt from law and order and when they commit a crime, it is called a crime and can be punished for it?
    That needed 5-4 decision?
    Apparently there is a new justices system and it only punishes law abiding citizens, but for illegals, they look the other way.

  12. Any “justice” that is part of that 4 person minority saying it is ok to steal someone’s identity and ruin their credit, steal their social security benefits, apply for loans in their name must be impeached.

    They can’t be trusted on any issue.

  13. OK last call, tip your witnesses….,….My tax attorney/CPA lawyer and the CPA/tax attorney owner of the CPA firm I used, plus the CPA assigned to my case and the IRS all agreed that there were no refunds after 3 years….Look it up….will I get an apology from Brad or Joe6pak? NO. Will they admit to being WAY off base for all of the insults and name calling? NO…..Why? because they are little men who can’t admit when they are wrong…….And what’s up with all the likes for the comments when all you can claim is that you know nothing of the issue and are merely stroking your favorite golden calf…..Like me or hate me, but I’m dead on correct on this issue…..You owe me another apology Butterknife….Go suck on your Norco pipe some more….Even Rush had to give up the Oxy’s….

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