Supreme Court sides with Trump administration to not extend census count – IOTW Report

Supreme Court sides with Trump administration to not extend census count

FOX: The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday sided with the Trump administration to not extend the census count instead of allowing it to continue through the end of October.

The Trump administration had asked the nation’s high court to suspend a district court’s order permitting the 2020 census to continue through the end of the month. The Trump administration argued that the head count needed to end immediately so the U.S. Census Bureau had enough time to crunch the numbers before a congressionally mandated year-end deadline for turning in figures used for deciding how many congressional seats each state gets.

A coalition of local governments and civil rights groups had sued the Trump administration, arguing that minorities and others in hard-to-count communities would be missed if the count ended early. They said the census schedule was cut short to accommodate a July order from Trump that would exclude people in the country illegally from the numbers used to decide how many congressional seats each state gets. read more

8 Comments on Supreme Court sides with Trump administration to not extend census count

  1. “…others in hard-to-count communities…”

    …the hardest-to-count community right NOW is that of Trump supporters since we’re the ONLY community that exists outside of the protection of the law and can be safely harassed, denied employment, burned out, beaten, and killed while being ITSELF arrested for ANY attempt at self-defense; but come November, you will learn our TRUE count by our ballots…or our bullets…and that’s ONE census you WON’T be able to cheat at…

  2. This is good, getting annoying have census-takers show up every other week asking the same idiotic questions. We’re rural…filled out our census with “(2) Live Here”, nothing more as required by law. Every one uses the excuse “the county makes us verify”. We tell them county records show proper addresses for the other weekender property owners so they should know residence vs. cabin. Seems like a jobs program and fishing expedition.

  3. “I number my enemies by their swords, not their chains, High Preist.”
    -Pharaoh, “The Ten Commandments”(1956)

    “Chains have been forged into swords before now, Divine One.”
    -High Priest, ibid.

    …food for thought…


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