Supreme Court takes up dispute over footage of Blackbeard’s pirate ship – IOTW Report

Supreme Court takes up dispute over footage of Blackbeard’s pirate ship



WaEx: The Supreme Court is to decide whether North Carolina can be sued for using copyrighted images of the legendary pirate Blackbeard’s flagship being salvaged off the state’s coast.

Queen Anne’s Revenge ran aground near Beaufort, N.C., in 1718 and was discovered in 1996. Rick Allen and his company, Nautilus Productions, filmed the wreck, registering the videos and images of the remains with the U.S. Copyright Office.

Allen argued that North Carolina infringed his copyright by posting his footage of Queen Anne’s Revenge online. The parties settled, with North Carolina paying Allen $15,000. But after taking the contested images down, the state posted fresh videos and images of the wreck.


13 Comments on Supreme Court takes up dispute over footage of Blackbeard’s pirate ship

  1. …yeah, because proceeds from images of 300 year old pirate ships are a bigger threat to our Republic than modern Democrat butt pirates trying to freeboot the Presidecy of the United States…

  2. …on the other hand, I think I DID see Ruth Bader Ginsberg in the crew of the Flying Dutchman in one of those crappy Johnny Depp movies, so she should probably recuse herself…

  3. …it also seems like the Supremes were “Obama’s” buccaneers in his raid on the American health care system, so I guess they KNOW a thing or two about REAL piracy…

  4. …modern Democrats are more about “The Raging Queen” anyway…

    “Chapter Two: ‘I Am Nailed To The Hull’.

    “It having been determined by my benefactor that a term of service at sea would make a man, I accordingly left Pinckley Hall in the company of Captain Ned, and put out from Bristol aboard his ship The Raging Queen.

    Captain Ned, I learned from my shipmates, was a very manly, virile, manful person, and a firm believer in strict discipline, corporal punishment, and nude apartment wrestling. How truly strict he was, I learned on our first day out of port, when out First Mate called all hands on deck for an important annoucement.”

    [ dissolve onto scenes aboard The Raging Queen ] [ First Mate Spunk rings the deck bell ]
    First Mate Spunk: Alright, please, everybody, please! Welcome aboard The Raging Queen! Now, of course, I can’t possibly introduce everybody, so you’re just going to have to wear your little name tags. And if that’s the worst thing you’ll wear on this voyage, you’re lucky. Now, before I introduce Captain Ned, there’s some quiche over here, some salad, and some banana bread in the bowl, and there should be a brie around, if someone hasn’t eaten it. And now, here is our own Captain Ned!

    [ Captain Ned steps up ]
    Captain Ned: Thank you, Mr. Spunk. Gentlemen, we have on board a young man whose name is Miles Cowperthwaite! And I have promised his guardian to teach him the man’s life at sea! To show him man’s ports, such as Key West and San Fransisco! I expect him to be treated manfully! Well, Miles, have you anything to say?”

  5. This is more meaningful than killing babies, Dudes in eyeliner portending for their need to piss in front of your daughters,,,
    Needs a new declaration to raise, vote on and follow,
    No F*cks are given,,,
    to worthless trash that should be elected for than appointed,
    This is just F*uckin’ nuts,,

  6. Oddly I was in Morehead City one day last week, having lunch at a waterfront restaurant, when I saw 3 dive boats coming back to the docks. At the time I wondered if perhaps they had been diving on the Queen Anne’s Revenge site.

  7. So SCOTUS has the time to take up this “hot” case but defers to address the unconstitutional DACA executive order. What a misallocation of priorities. Who is SCOTUS taking lessons from, congress?


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