Supreme Court to hear case that could undo hundreds of Jan. 6 charges, including Trump’s – IOTW Report

Supreme Court to hear case that could undo hundreds of Jan. 6 charges, including Trump’s

JTN: The Supreme Court said Wednesday it will hear a case that could potentially undo Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot charges against hundreds of people, including former President Donald Trump. 

The justices said they will review the cases of three Jan. 6 defendants – Joseph FischerEdward Jacob Lang and Garrett Miller – who were all charged with obstruction of an official proceeding, referring to how the riot disrupted the congressional certification of the 2020 election.  more here

12 Comments on Supreme Court to hear case that could undo hundreds of Jan. 6 charges, including Trump’s

  1. John Roberts already demonstrated his cowardice in this, which will tip the scales.

    Besides, even if he still had a just bone in his body, I’m sure they have enough pictures of him to guarantee he toes the line.

    They’ll just use this to give their tyranny a thin scum of legitimacy by having the rigged court rule against the defendants in a predetermined outcome, and then move on to the individual show trials that Communist tyrannies always devolve to.

    Just another circus, I’m afraid.

    One they only need 5 clowns for.

  2. “March or April and issue a decision by early summer”
    Just a game of kick the can, decision will be delayed until December.
    By then they will have a new fake president or cancel the election.

  3. Speaking of January 6, do you know the Babylon Bee series about Californians moving to Texas? If you have seen them, you know the black guy. The actor’s name is Siaka Massaquoi.

    He was arrested last week having something to do with January 6. The arrest warrant was issued a month ago.

    He was arrested on four misdemeanor charges. Someone else recently was arrested but the FBI on misdemeanor charges. Since when does the FBI arrest on misdemeanor charges?

    I know they are trying to send a message. Yeah, we’re getting the message: Justice is dead in the United States.

    I guess SS can’t deal with conservative black people.

  4. Of course this case would not have been necessary had then President, Donald John Trump put down his cheesy poofs long enough to pardon the January Sixerz. And now we find ourselves needing to re-elect Trump to clean up Biden’z blunderz.

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