Supreme Court to hear major challenge to Roe v. Wade – IOTW Report

Supreme Court to hear major challenge to Roe v. Wade

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7 Comments on Supreme Court to hear major challenge to Roe v. Wade

  1. arise, Christians and pray. Murdering and sacrificing innocents on the altar of moloch is a curse on our country.The innocents are Gods Favorite.

    Stop this slaughter.

  2. Dr. Tar, your link is broken, at least it was for me.

    This case is more of a referendum for the 10th Amendment/states rights protections as guaranteed in the Constitution. Yes, the main issue here is the constitutionality of a pre-viability abortion ban (the first time since the 1973 ROE case that the courts looked at this issue) but the decision will directly affect how this court views the inviolability of the 10 Amendment.

    But in all things SCOTUS related, we must remember that as it stands now there are only 3 truly conservative bankable justices. 3 more are stone-cold libs and the remaining 3 are squishy and malleable.

  3. Say prayers that Roe v Wade and the crazy emanations and penumbras the jurists made up out of whole cloth is set aside. We need to have people see exactly what it means to kill innocent life in a new light. We can see the beautiful life that is forming in mothers with modern technology.

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