Surber: Learn to ballot harvest – IOTW Report

Surber: Learn to ballot harvest

Don Surber:

Democrats elected a demented crook president by ballot harvesting. Only once in the past century had voter participation topped 60% as it hit 61% in 1964.Last year, 67% voted because Democrats figured out how to get non-voters to vote by mail, even if the Democrats had to fill out the ballot for them. Unverified mail-in votes flooded the ballot box in key states, flipping them by very narrow margins.

Republicans must ban that practice because it undermines the integrity of the electoral process. The courts refused to protect elections. State legislatures must move in.

At the same time, Republicans must learn how to harvest ballots if they are to remain competitive in presidential elections.

So how is it done?

10 Comments on Surber: Learn to ballot harvest

  1. This was my first presidential election living in Nevada.
    It was incredible the number of ballots present throughout Las Vegas.
    I saw them in ditches.
    Postmen had countless mail-ins in every load.
    I myself could have visited apartment complexes and temp living facilities and harvested 1000 ballots from the trash bins alone…in an afternoon!

    If this isn’t addressed, it will be a contest of who can cheat the most.
    My money is on the democrats.

    PS, Steven Crowder has shown how fucking corrupt Nevada is, so you can automatically write off those 6 electoral votes for 2024.

  2. Are you sure? Nevada has never had any shady dealings in the past! This is all new for Nevada. If what you say about Nevada being dishonest is so, what’s this world coming?

  3. The problem with Republicans ballot harvesting is that they’d have to take time off of work to do so. Of course by the mid-terms, Kama-lama ding dong may have put a enough of us out of work that we’ll have plenty of time to do some harvesting. Assuming of course that we can afford the price of gasoline.

    Maybe by then gas stations will have pumps designated for the woke and pumps designated for us neanderthals with different pricing. Sounds like progress to me…

  4. I’m certain everyone understands that if Republicans used these ‘ballot harvesting” techniques, Democrats would declare the process illegal. Perhaps it is time to beat them at their own game, unless we just enjoy being cheated every election cycle.

  5. Black Guns Matter!!!
    I tend to think we will be voting with our ARs soon.
    We cannot allow these scumbags to take them away.
    A ruling class that would completely destroy a thriving economy, intentionally kill off the most vulnerable citizens and try to cover their asses, mandate something so fqng stupid as wearing a mask with holes big enough for even the largest virii to pass through, and run a babbling, demented, useless, lifelong government leech as the best they candidate have…… these assholes will stop at nothing once they feel we have no way to oppose them.


  6. Mystaclean
    MARCH 5, 2021 AT 6:22 AM

    “Maybe by then gas stations will have pumps designated for the woke and pumps designated for us neanderthals with different pricing. ”

    …no worries. CA, who leads the nation in stupid trends, has outlawed gas pumps although.

    …meanwhile, side note, Berkley has outlawed single family housing as raycis. Seems that Black and Hispanic people want to live only in packs, or something…

  7. Dominion systems are designed to see how far ahead the Republican is, and switch/create just enough votes to push the Demoncrat over the line. So, it would be 770 quintillion to 771 quintillion.


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