Surber: Why Mitch is a bitch – IOTW Report

Surber: Why Mitch is a bitch

Don Surber: Mitch McConnell’s unnecessary attacks on President Emeritus Donald John Trump divert attention from the Senate Republican leader’s failings. For 4+ years, McConnell has failed to make Democrats suffer any consequences for such things as using the FBI to spy on Obama’s political enemies, and Biden’s withholding of a billion bucks in foreign aid to stop the prosecution of his son’s employer.Instead, McConnell thrice allowed Democrats to put an innocent President Trump through the wringer.

The first time was the Mueller witch hunt. McConnell should have told then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to stop this nonsense and fire the idiot who appointed a special counsel. read more

13 Comments on Surber: Why Mitch is a bitch

  1. Mitch is kind of good at times, like for Kavanaugh and Barrett.
    But for the most part, McConnell is a GAGA kind of guy
    – Go Along to Get Along
    – Let’s not stick our neck out or anything (fitting for a turtle – no?)
    And then there’s all the corruption tied to McConnell, as exposed by Peter Schweizer’s Culture of Corruption.

  2. Yes, Mitch was good on Kavanaugh and Barrett….because they were Leftist plants. As we have already seen on several decisions, those two are doing just what the Left wants them to do. So there IS a reason Ol’ Mitch pushed them through, and the Dem Party “acted” outraged. Conservatives were fooled again.

  3. I cannot believe that the tough rebellious people of a great state like Kentucky could vote for this weak gibberish pissflap of a soyboy.

    California, I could see it, but looking at him visually I would have guessed a pussy state.


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