Surge of Student Suicides Pushes Las Vegas Schools to Reopen – IOTW Report

Surge of Student Suicides Pushes Las Vegas Schools to Reopen


The reminders of pandemic-driven suffering among students in Clark County, Nev., have come in droves.

Since schools shut their doors in March, an early-warning system that monitors students’ mental health episodes has sent more than 3,100 alerts to district officials, raising alarms about suicidal thoughts, possible self-harm or cries for care. By December, 18 students had taken their own lives.

The spate of student suicides in and around Las Vegas has pushed the Clark County district, the nation’s fifth largest, toward bringing students back as quickly as possible. This month, the school board gave the green light to phase in the return of some elementary school grades and groups of struggling students even as greater Las Vegas continues to post huge numbers of coronavirus cases and deaths.

Superintendents across the nation are weighing the benefit of in-person education against the cost of public health, watching teachers and staff become sick and, in some cases, die, but also seeing the psychological and academic toll that school closings are having on children nearly a year in. The risk of student suicides has quietly stirred many district leaders, leading some, like the state superintendent in Arizona, to cite that fear in public pleas to help mitigate the virus’s spread.

In Clark County, it forced the superintendent’s hand.

“When we started to see the uptick in children taking their lives, we knew it wasn’t just the Covid numbers we need to look at anymore,” said Jesus Jara, the Clark County superintendent. “We have to find a way to put our hands on our kids, to see them, to look at them. They’ve got to start seeing some movement, some hope.”

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h/t Ghost.

12 Comments on Surge of Student Suicides Pushes Las Vegas Schools to Reopen

  1. This Nevada democrat governor, sisolak, has beaten down his people mercilessly.

    I traveled to Nevada in November to visit my elderly mother. I decided to stay in a nearby hotel. It’s a pretty small town and I have an east coast internal clock.

    Went down to the casino 8am eastern, 5am pacific time. I got a cup of coffee in an empty casino. I sipped it with nobody around. Then I was approached and subsequently scolded by the casino cop for not masking up between sips. She was only following orders, I am sure.

    Congratulations Nevada. That will be my last trip to the silver state.

    Hmmmm. I remember graduating from high school in 1972 in that state and have many memories there.

    Now you are off the list of places to visit.

  2. Covid was a lie. The mortality stats are a lie. The lockdowns were a construct to steal the federal election.
    The whole thing was an elaborate scam engineered by the chicoms and the democrats.

    There. I said it.

    Requesting an upper bunk in your re-education camp, Joey.

  3. PHenry
    I have to wonder why they went to all that trouble to be so devious. Why didn’t they just run a candidate instead of a corpse and just steal the election like they ended up doing anyway. These people need to pay.

  4. @antidote @ghost

    Democrat communists don’t give a rats ass about children . Small business, waiters, waitresses, cooks, chefs, bus staff, hoteliers, or their staff, auto dealerships, grocery stores, pharmacies, nor roofers. They care about POWER. They may fool you into thinking they care about you.

  5. Oookay… it’s pretty sad parenting when kids are depressed because they’re not being warehoused to sit on their asses 6 hours a day in some ugly building where nincompoops lecture them, yap rules, and pass out busywork. WHy are these children so bored and miserable? Parents have abdicated their primary role.

    We homeschooled our kids. Best decision ever.

  6. The whole lot of these people are flat out evil,just plain evil.
    They hate us and President Trump so much that they will kill our kids and their own kids to take us out.
    We must find a way to stop them. Pray for them to turn from their evil ways. It is our only hope.


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