Surgeon featured on ‘I AM JAZZ’ fired for posting bizarre pictures of patients’ genitals – IOTW Report

Surgeon featured on ‘I AM JAZZ’ fired for posting bizarre pictures of patients’ genitals

DC: The media couldn’t get enough of the trans “I Am Jazz,” a TLC show about a transgender teen. But it turns out that the surgeon Jazz consulted for gender reassignment surgery has been fired after posting explicit and disturbing pics of his patients’ genitals online.

Jazz Jennings had previously reached out to Miami surgeon Dr. Christopher Salgado to do the life-changing surgery during an episode of the reality TV series, per a recent article in Radar Online. But Jazz ended up eventually going with a different doctor, and it appears to have been a wise move, since Salgado is “no longer employed with the University of Miami” because of his unethical practices.

According to the Trans Advocate:

It’s hard to say exactly when Dr. Christopher Salgado, board certified and celebrated genital reconstruction surgeon, started to post questionable things on his Instagram account (@sexsurgeon). The account was taken down after the first complaints and deleted shortly thereafter, but he may have started as early as October 2018. During this time Dr. Salgado posted multiple pictures of himself in surgery, including one for Valentine’s Day in which he posed the patient’s dissected penis into the shape of a heart and added the hashtag #whatthefuckisthat.

A previous patient of Salgado referred to him as “Dr. Frankenstein” and didn’t hold back his thoughts about his former doctor.   more here

15 Comments on Surgeon featured on ‘I AM JAZZ’ fired for posting bizarre pictures of patients’ genitals

  1. A teenager getting his dick cut off. I bet he regrets that move before long. As far as his future sexual experiences go, does he get a working clitoris, and does HE experience a female style orgasm? Inquiring minds don’t really need to know, but are curious.

  2. So the doc was posting to a “secret” IG acct, penis pics with accompanying snarky comments.

    That excludes his “just trying to drum up biz” marketing defense, which concludes he’s a typical shyster who finds the practice of removing biological appendages repulsive, but not so repulsive he’s willing to go into a respectable, perhaps less lucrative, field of medicine.


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