Surgeons Plan Head Transplant for Disabled Man – IOTW Report

Surgeons Plan Head Transplant for Disabled Man

Breitbart: A Chinese surgeon and a controversial Italian neurosurgeon will attempt to transplant the head of a terminally disabled Russian man onto a body that could allow him to survive.

The distant concepts of science fiction are once again becoming reality, just as they have before. I recently spoke to a consultant on the brilliant Deus Ex: Mankind Divided about how their cast of augmented characters might fare in our own immediate future. But, if anything, the cast of this futurist medical drama is even more dramatic.

One of the surgeons has a bronzed pig ear proudly displayed in his office. The other compares himself favorably to Frankenstein and Josef Mengele while he sells souvenirs of himself. Together, they will try to transplant the head of a terminal test subject onto another body. As you might expect, the reactions they’re getting are mixed.  MORE

17 Comments on Surgeons Plan Head Transplant for Disabled Man

  1. They’ve done heart, lung and liver transplants so why wouldn’t this work?

    If they can get the nerves to somehow hook up right that would be the key. I imagine it will be quite unpleasant at first, but it’s fascinating.

  2. There I was, listening to music while perusing iotw posts when I happened upon this one. I wasn’t even paying attention to the song until the chorus kept repeating.

    And what song just happened to be playing…..?

    State of my Head by Shinedown.

    Too funny.

  3. Actually, I’m all for this. Think of the poor guy who volunteered. He’s been given a death sentence and wants even the slightest chance to have a better life, or even to pioneer a process that can be learned from and someday help others. Who’s to deny him this?
    Think of how Frankensteinish a heart transplant sounded at one time? Now, it can be done.

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