SURPRISE: Migrant Crossings “Plummet” After Texas National Guard Expands Barbwire Fence – IOTW Report

SURPRISE: Migrant Crossings “Plummet” After Texas National Guard Expands Barbwire Fence

  When Republicans want to secure the border, they do.

Station Gossip:
Migrant crossings have plummeted on a stretch of Downtown El Paso where the Texas National Guard put up a barbwire fence.

First Sgt. Suzanne Ringle attributed the decline in migrant crossings to the visual deterrent of the barbwire and National Guard members at the border.

Border report: 

Migrant crossings have plummeted in a mile-long stretch of Downtown El Paso where the Texas Army National Guard has set up concertina wire and portable fencing along the Rio Grande.


15 Comments on SURPRISE: Migrant Crossings “Plummet” After Texas National Guard Expands Barbwire Fence

  1. Damn it Cowgirl!
    Before I clicked I already formulated my reply:

    “Electrify that motherfucker and the crossings will plummet to ZERO!”

    You beat Loco…for now

  2. Why didn’t Abbott do that 2 years and 3 million+ illegals ago?
    I so wish Texas had elected Lt. Col. Allen West for governor. He would have shut this down on day one.

  3. And this is a revelation?
    Barriers, traps, and poison keep most rats and vermin out.

    We’ve so lost our common sense that common sense surprises?

    Need to start a “charity” – “Border Barbed-Wire” – and wire all the way across.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “semi-automatic rifles”
    I had 21 years in the Air Force and Air Guard. I never had a semi-automatic rifle. The all had a selector switch to go full rock and roll or 3 round burst. Sometime just for show, we would have our weapon with a mag inserted, but no ammo

  5. Abbott is a POS. This has been going on since the day Biden was declared the winner. What difference would there have been if Beto was Gov? Not a fucking thing. It could have been nipped in the bud with the proper response from Texas.

    Millions of illegals have crossed into Texas the last couple years and he’s bussed a few 100 to DC & Baltimore? Give me a break. Nice job Gov!

    The one bright light I saw was Kari Lake and we all saw how that went.

    We are so past elections.


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