Surprise: Seattle Mayor Stomps On the BLM’s Dreams – IOTW Report

Surprise: Seattle Mayor Stomps On the BLM’s Dreams

RedState: The BLM has been trying to get the police defunded in Seattle by 50%.

They had many of the city council in their corner.

But a boatload of citizens came out in opposition to the plan.

The city council passed a plan, but with far fewer cuts than the 50% the BLM wanted although still cutting about 100 cops and about $4 million.

But the police chief resigned effective Sept. 2 because she wasn’t consulted over the plan and didn’t agree with the way the police were being treated.

Now the city council and the BLM is getting pushback from Mayor Jenny Durkan.

While Durkan famously let the BLM autonomous zone get out of hand and referred to it as possibly turning into a “summer of love,” she wasn’t going along with the plan passed by the city council. She vetoed the plan, saying there hadn’t been collaboration on the cuts in the plan and she disagree with the layoff of police personnel in the plans. more here

12 Comments on Surprise: Seattle Mayor Stomps On the BLM’s Dreams

  1. …don’t read too much into this…she’s probably holding out for guarentees that they fire ONLY White Police Officers (one of the reasons the crappy Black woman “police chief” left, besides her pay cut, was because she was mad they would have to lay off newer officers under the contract terms, and that would have been more Black than White, she really didn’t give a shit otherwise), AND that the REMAINING police officers provide HER with 24/7/365 armed guards at home and at work.

    Liberals don’t suddenly heal, they have reprobate minds that even God has given up on. Whenever you see a liberal make a sudden turn like this, you can be SURE some selfishness is at the root of it, because they NEVER shift off their default of CRUSH KILL DESTROY unless there’s something in it for THEM…

  2. Danger Will Robinson! I always thought that Loused In Space was one of the dumbest programs ever on TV back in the mid 60’s. The same goes for Gilligan’s Island. I’m not a big fan of stupid TV shows. Heck, even Batman as campy as it was was better than Loused In Space. And I was ticked when NBC replaced The Man From Uncle with Star Trek initially but I was 12 or 13 at the time so what did I know. Seattle’s Mayor did the right thing but it may be too late to make much of a difference.

  3. At the end of July a judge allowed the recall petition against her to proceed. That got her attention in the classic “saving our phony-baloney jobs” Mel Brooks way.

  4. It’s not nothing. Some here are starting to sound like, gulp, the other side. Do nothing, you’re angry and suspicious. Do something, you’re angry and suspicious and cynical.

    It’s hard to swim against this tide.

    Too little, too late? Maybe. But it’s not nothing.

  5. …sorry, I just have problems thinking someone THIS in the tank had a Damascus moment without finding Jesus, so I suspect she has her own, selfish reasons, whatever they may be, but who knows…

    “It is difficult with these evil folk to know when they are in league, and when they are cheating one another”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Two Towers”

    …but good may still come of it…

    “Treachery, treachery I fear; treachery of that miserable creature. But so it must be. Let us remember that a traitor may betray himself and do good that he does not intend. It can be so, sometimes.”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    …could be about Durkin, could be indeed…

  6. A ~ S, Austin to Seattle, the sane citizens have had more than enough chaos & destruction. I would think more cities in between will soon follow. Hopefully ending nut-job government in their cities.

  7. When a child I loved watching, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. As an adult the concept of some UN council for law enforcement organization having legal authority in the USA I view as unacceptable.


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