Surprise! The COVID Vaccines Were Never Tested for Safety – IOTW Report

Surprise! The COVID Vaccines Were Never Tested for Safety

There were 31% higher deaths in the vax group in the “gold standard” Phase 3 clinical trials. How do we know that none of those deaths were caused by the vaccine? Because Pfizer didn’t think so!

Daily Clout:

There were 31.2% higher deaths in the “gold standard” Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trials.

There is only one way to know whether or not the vaccine caused any of the deaths in the 21 vaccinated patients who died: proper histopathology.

Pfizer never did it and the FDA never asked for it.

This was the biggest mistake in the pandemic and nobody has acknowledged that or lifted a finger to correct it (as I point out below). Had they done the proper testing on the 21 deaths, the vaccine would never have been approved.

In lieu of the proper tests, there were assurances from Pfizer that nobody died from the vaccine. That’s absurd. We need the tests, not assurances. The tests are cheap and dispositive.

We can fix this in a New York minute, but nobody wants to know the answer.

Today, only Ryan Cole is doing the proper histopathology and in 100% of the cases he’s been asked to look at, he can attribute the deaths to the vaccine.

Someday, I hope that we’ll have leadership at the CDC that is not corrupt and that will ask Medical examiners to do the proper tests.

This can literally happen instantly. For example, the CDC says that tomorrow, every Medical Examiner in the US should do histopathology looking for the vaccine as a cause of death on the next person who dies. This is no big extra burden for a medical examiner… just a few extra steps.

Or they can ask just a few medical examiners in highly vaccinated regions to run the extra tests on everyone who has an autopsy for the next 30 days (and to make sure that everyone who “dies suddenly” gets an autopsy done).

The bottom line is this: we could almost instantly have proof of whether the vaccine is safe and effective or not and the costs in time and money is de minimis.

The CDC is simply not interested in finding the truth about the vaccines, even though their job is to protect America from health threats: MORE

SEE: Masks Harm!

29 Comments on Surprise! The COVID Vaccines Were Never Tested for Safety

  1. Fucktards like Gizmo, and Fucktard hardest hit.

    Whoops. He called himself Groucho…

    Whatever. As Marco used to say, “Fuck you, dawg!”

  2. I got covid early and it enlarged my heart.
    I could literally feel my heart rubbing against my chest cavity.
    I understand the urgency of combating such a vile, evil, fatal chinky lab creation, yet safeguards must be in place with testing so you don’t kill more than you save.

    “Do no harm” had a good run…

  3. Or tested properly on:

    Pregnant women
    Senior citizens
    People with cardio-vascular disease
    People with cancer
    People with neurological diseases

    So, um, yeah. It was never tested.

    Fuck the United States Government in the ass.

  4. “I got covid early and it enlarged my heart.
    I could literally feel my heart rubbing against my chest cavity.”

    Yeah, right? I presume you have the medical tests and records to prove that statement. I had covid in January 2020 and it was a good case of the flu that morphed into a world class head cold. Not a single sniffle since then. Natural immunity won out.

  5. Just an exercise in control. Soon they will blame it all on Trump. Trump mistake was trusting those around him. They did a much better job managing Reagan.
    Who came up with Pence(POS) as a running mate?

  6. Icarus, take your mouth off of Tony Fauci’s cock long enough to eat a bag of dicks why don’t you.
    There have been some very ignorant fucks commenting on this site with very ignorant comments over the years but you, YOU are the champion!
    Take a bow!

  7. It’s harming people just like they want it to.

    It’s the nosy people that think it’s supposed to save the human race that have things backwards and so are the problem.

  8. Had histopathology been done, Pfizer would have covered up the results.
    The goal was never to save anyone.
    It was for the elites to haul in dollars while picking off the “useless eaters”.

  9. “sAfE aNd EfFeCTiVe”.

    Now the biggest, most deadly lie ever promoted by the most authority figures at the same time.

    Almost like someone bigger than all of them was pulling all their strings behind the scenes.

    This was never about any virus.

  10. Different Tim
    AT 8:15 AM
    “Also tested was fear as a motivator to push aside common sense.”

    THAT test was successful.

    So was the one where they could get citizens to turn on each other out of fear and spy on each other for reporting noncompliance to the State.

    Still workshopping using the fear to deny resistors jobs, food, shelter, and medical care, but they made good progress on that as well..

  11. crimes against humanity

    “This was the biggest mistake in the pandemic and nobody has acknowledged that or lifted a finger to correct”

    it wasn’t a mistake, it was a feature hoping no one would ever find out
    just like red states got the fast kill shot & blue states got the slow kill shot
    and all that testing, to get your dna, to create a specific kill shot for the next time they need to kick over an ant pile

  12. “Trump and his supporters had to be stopped”.., by any and all means. The Swamp appreciates your compliance. Now give me your gas stove and eat your damn bugs… peasants

  13. This was the biggest mistake in the pandemic and…

    Author just totally destroyed their credibility right there. To fall for that is what they are now angling for and they fell for it hook, line and sinker.

  14. BTW
    Whatever happened to that pfizer exec that was talking shop with James O’Keefe in that restaurant?
    That story and that exec just quietly disappeared.
    Do you think They think we just forget about stuff like that?
    They do try though, don’t They?

    Never Forget

  15. Typically, vaccine development takes years, but the Trump administration pumped billions of dollars into Operation Warp Speed to help produce a vaccine ready at record speed. The Food and Drug Administration authorized the Moderna and BioNTech-Pfizer vaccines for emergency use in December 2020. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine was authorized for emergency use in February under President Joe Biden’s administration.

    Both kept it going.

  16. “never tested” is semantically correct, through the use of weasel words
    That is in past tense, suggesting testing has concluded. It is still being tested.

    “The six steps of the scientific method include:
    1) asking a question about something you observe
    2) doing background research to learn what is already known about the topic
    3) constructing a hypothesis
    4) experimenting to test the hypothesis
    5) analyzing the data from the experiment and drawing conclusions
    6) communicating the results”

    we are still in step #4, and this discussion is the beginning of step #5.
    A true performance of Step #6 will never happen, in this case.

  17. grayjohn at 1:56 pm

    Like testing hand grenades for safety. These vaccines were meant to kill and cripple.

    And they did just as they were designed to do, kill and cripple. The Trump administration pumped billions of dollars into Operation Warp Speed to help produce a vaccine ready at record speed. And that it did, and they’re still dropping dead. Get the jab, it has saved millions of lives the words rang out!


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