Surprise: Univision Identifies ‘Subversives’ Among Anti-Trump Protesters – IOTW Report

Surprise: Univision Identifies ‘Subversives’ Among Anti-Trump Protesters

NB: In a stunning departure from the network’s usual fare promoting anti-Trump protesters, Despierta América, Univision’s morning show, has broadcast a hard-hitting report denouncing the “subversives” involved in the protests and the violence they perpetrated outside a Trump campaign rally in San José, California.

The report, by Univision’s María Eugenia Payán, documented various instances of violence perpetrated by anti-Trump protesters as they attacked Trump supporters and wreaked havoc on private and public property. To her credit, Payán not only deplored the actions of the violent protesters, but also pointed out that the San José City Police failed miserably in their duty to protect the public and uphold law and order.  MORE

9 Comments on Surprise: Univision Identifies ‘Subversives’ Among Anti-Trump Protesters

  1. Subversives, we don’t need no steenkeeng subversives

    Hey, anybody seen this yet? Or have you been hiding it?

    “” Powerful conservative groups like Americans for Prosperity and the Club for Growth have been working against Ellmers for weeks, running critical television and digital ads and sending canvassers door-to-door. Ellmers has also lost favor with anti-abortions groups that once backed her. “”

    or this :

    “” Trump did, however, acknowledge “some differences” with Ryan on issues including trade, entitlements and immigration.
    “I mean, to be honest, we’ve spoken about it very briefly. They’re big subjects,” he said.
    “You know what my deal is on trade? I want good deals. That’s what my deal is. When somebody says, ‘What is your position on trade?’ I said, ‘I want good deals. Whether it’s free trade, not free trade, I don’t care what kind of trade it is, I want good deals for our country.’ ” “”

  2. What Lead Salad said. Somebody has been doing some internal polling, and it sent her into a twenty minute coughing jag. Alinsky is a bitch with a double-edge sword, Hillary. Choke on that.

  3. What they are saying is that there is another player here in CA that is not on their side that is financing and coordinating this situation and others.
    The money is being followed, and hopefully those behind it will get some daylight shone on them.
    I hope for Trumps sake that the trail doesn’t lead back to his supporters.

  4. JohnS, are you suggesting Trump supporters are attacking themselves, or that all those reports and youtube videos are as fake as a university hate crime?

  5. Am I suggesting that some on the ground astroturfing is being done by both sides?
    The answer is yes.
    I doubt however, that the original intent included this level of violence. But… you play with matches…

  6. Univision’s actions remind me of the Hell’s Angels Toys For Tots runs in L.A. Just a P.R. stunt. “Viva la Raza” is what they all really stand for.

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