Surrogate claims gay dads told her to terminate pregnancy at 24 weeks on finding out she had aggressive cancer – IOTW Report

Surrogate claims gay dads told her to terminate pregnancy at 24 weeks on finding out she had aggressive cancer

Surrogate claims gay dads told her to terminate pregnancy at 24 weeks on finding out she had aggressive cancer and barred her from having baby prematurely or putting it up for adoption because ‘they didn’t want their DNA out there.’


California mother has claimed she was told to terminate her surrogate pregnancy at 24 weeks by the child’s prospective fathers after she was diagnosed with breast cancer.  

Brittney Pearson, 37, from Sacramento told that she was diagnosed with breast cancer in May at 22 weeks.

She says that after a full body MRI revealed the extent of the disease, the gay couple who were paying her to carry their child used legal threats to pressure her into terminating the pregnancy. 

Initially, Pearson claims, doctors at Sutter Health Medical Centre in Sacramento, believed she would be able to have a form of chemotherapy treatment compatible with pregnancy, and would then be induced at 34 weeks gestation.  more

18 Comments on Surrogate claims gay dads told her to terminate pregnancy at 24 weeks on finding out she had aggressive cancer

  1. You cannot be surprised when a reprobate mind demands eugenics for his own convenience.

    Once a person dedicates themselves to sin, since sin is sin in the eyes of the Lord, there’s noreal reason to stop, and no Spirit they will acccept to tell them they are wrong.

    “When one does evil one must do the whole evil. To be only half a monster is insanity. There is ecstasy in an extreme of crime.”
    -Victor Hugo, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”

    …if you rent out your uteres to gestate a human being for purchase, the tenants can demand pretty much anything they want. Selling a baby makes it difficult for you to claim the moral high ground…

  2. Only one of the queer’s sperm, I assume they mixed up a batch of both, will penetrate the egg so only one of the queer’s DNA will be ‘out there’. Further, the closest either queer could get toward producing an egg would be a turd and as far as I know there’s never been a turd inseminated yet, though they apparently have been trying for many years years. Whose egg is it? That person ought have a say in this mostly complete abomination against nature and God.

  3. “…and barred her from having baby prematurely or putting it up for adoption because ‘they didn’t want their DNA out there.’”

    What a gay thing to do.

  4. I read the story yesterday. It’s one of those train wrecks in slow motion one cannot seem to tear their eyes away.

    Everything about this diabolical mess is just wrong. Perversions aside, the woman declared to be (in so many words) torn between fulfilling her contract ($ – ?) and saving her own life for the benefit of her own 4 children. When moral relativism enters, the challenge — I suppose — is in trying to square up the most sympathetic angle to your plight. Good luck, lady.

    And the word “gestate” in describing pregnancy in a female human being is repugnant to me. The woman, by her own use of the term, is nothing more than a biological petri dish.

  5. ….the same sex-attracted men don’t want their DNA out there the same way a homicidal maniac doesn’t want his estranged wife marrying someone else. “If I can’t have her, nobody can have her.” Same thinking. Sociopaths do not acknowledge individual autonomy and sovereignty.

  6. What else did she expect from 2 corn hole players?

    A Gofundme because she cannot work during cancer treatment – what bull shit! I had the same damn cancer and worked every day except of treatment days. Drove 45 minutes into the office, worked 85.5 to 10, drove 45 minutes home and did 5 days a week. One of the oncologists in the practice was doing the same thing for the same type cancer. Plus i was 11 years older than her. This is just an excuse. Pardon me if i seem harsh but been there and done that.

  7. From the linked article: “The mother-of-four, from Sacramento, said she felt like ‘a rented-out uterus’.”

    Well, DUH! Renting out your uterus will tend to make you feel that way. Commercial surrogacy is an abhorent practice.

    It is illegal to buy a baby, but you can purchase eggs and sperm, then rent a uterus to gestate a baby. How is that different from buying an actual baby. Make it make sense.

  8. Her body her choice. I hope she carries it to full term, decides to keep the baby, and demand child support from the two fags. Upon her death, hope she finds a good home for her child to a hetero couple. Perhaps she was dealt this blow for a reason…..

  9. Chumlee at 8:13 pm

    You expect degenerates to behave honorably?
    How quaint.

    It won’t be with honor, it will be by the Grave of God.

  10. why can’t these mentally ill men find another mentally ill man who, ahem, identifies as a non-mentally ill woman to bear a child? June is Cancer Pride Month

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