Survey: 34% of Bay area residents want to leave – IOTW Report

Survey: 34% of Bay area residents want to leave

san francisco

AmericanThinker: For my money, San Francisco is the most beautiful city in America.  But that hardly matters to residents fighting sky-high housing costs, traffic gridlock, and a quality of life that has been declining in recent years.

A survey by the Bay Area Council reveals that 34% of residents would leave the city if they could.  Surprisingly, those who have moved to the city in the last five years are more likely to look for greener pastures.  more

14 Comments on Survey: 34% of Bay area residents want to leave

  1. My wife and I lived in the SF area from 2004 to 2012, the first four years in San Francrisco proper, the last four overlooking the little town of Boulder Creek in the mountains between Santa Cruz and San Jose.

    We are absolutely delighted to be in Florida now. Yes, there are some gorgeous views in that part of CA. But the place is utterly spoiled by the un-gorgeous people. Like most places, most people are good folks. But in the SF Bay Area, the assholes are such flaming gaping assholes that they, plus the insane politics and outrageous cost of living, made getting the hell out of there one of the high points of my life.

  2. my recommendation

    go to what used to be treasure island, capture the sunset view over the beautiful skyline, then head east as quickly as possible

    that’s as close as i will ever get to san franpsycho

  3. No, no, please stay where you are. You may not like what is going on in your area, but you’re still too far left to live in any nice place in this country. You’ll just bring all that baggage with you.

  4. Probably higher than 34%. Hell even liberals that aren’t part of the elite can’t afford San Francisco Bay area anymore. My family been living there since the early 1900s and are stronge conservatives.

  5. SF is beautiful, from a distance.
    Up close it smells like an outhouse due to all the animals that defecate and urinate everywhere. The streets are littered with trash and bums.
    Many are leaving SF and heading into Oakland. I will take gangbangers over hipster douchbags and smug progs any day.

  6. I lived in SF in 2001-2004 and if the smells and seeing people just stop, pull down their pants and defecate any time they felt like it the weren’t bad enough having to deal with violent mental illness was over the top. And no one did anything to stop it. The police would just tell you to cross the street and ignore it. I literally had mentally ill people walk up to me and scream obscenities more times than I can count. I’m not surprised people that have lived there 5 years or less want out. I didn’t make it that long and that was before street lights were falling over due to urine corrosion.

  7. Homesick for far northern California, thinking we might be able to buy back in to the housing market out there before it fully recovered, we tried to return in 2013… We lasted 2 years, and it just about bankrupted me… 5 hours a day in my car commuting, took a toll on my family and my health. The schools suck, and the people and politics are just awful. The entire bay area is a giant traffic jam, and a network of liberal elites crush any and all infrastructure improvement projects they disagree with. The planning fee’s to build a single family house anywhere in the bay area exceed $150k, which means a teardown shack with a valid occupancy permit costs more than this…

  8. I just hope that when they leave, they stay in the People’s Demonratic Republic of California … or go to the Soviet Socialist Republics of Oregano or Warshington.

    “They make a desert and call it peace.”
    “They make a cesspool and call it San Francisco.”
    or Utopia … whatever …
    Fuck Off and Die.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. For the lefties considering Texas,

    As a Dallas-ite trust me when I say it’s an absolutely horrible place for left leaning people. Don’t even bother getting your shoes contaminated with the filth of Texas. Just skip the state completely and you’ll be better off.

    Trust me I know. Assholes like Do4 and his superior cisgender sons live there. You’d be so frustrated and they would even give one shit about it. I know, it’s annoying but true.

  10. I had relatives who lived in the North Beach/Russian Hill neighborhood for many years.

    My impressions of the city were mostly positive. I thought that San Francisco was New York City built to a human scale. There isn’t nearly the level of crowding and congestion we have in NYC, and San Franciscan still have a sense of civic pride, which New Yorkers lost decades ago.

    The one thing I couldn’t deal with? The prissy, sanctimonious left-wingers who are everywhere. I simply could not stand the angry lesbians, smug yupsters, and hippy-dippy leftovers from the 60s. It was pitiful; to have any fun at all I’d have to hang out at bars and nightclubs in The Castro with the gay guys. Say what you want about gay men, but at least THEY know how to party. I even wrote a song parody about it:

    All the hills are steep
    And the men are gay.
    I’m trapped in PC yuppie Hell
    On the Frisco Bay.
    If I’d gone to Vegas,
    They’d have let me play.
    San Francisco tourist
    Wants to leave today

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