Survey Finds People Consider New York City Rudest City in America – IOTW Report

Survey Finds People Consider New York City Rudest City in America


Legal Insurrection-

Business Insider survey found that people consider New York City as the rudest city in the United States of America.

Weird thing is, I kid you not, I am watching Ghostbusters II and I’m at the scene where they are discussing the slime under the city with the mayor.

Venkman explains to the mayor that everyone in the city is miserable, which could cause the slime to explode.

The Ghostbusters try to convince the mayor to do something. He asks them if they expect him to go on TV and tell 10 million people to be nice to each other.

He concludes: “Being miserable and treating other people like dirt is every New Yorker’s God-given right.”

Okay. So anyway, 34.3% of the respondents rated New York City as “rude.”

The top five: New York City, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Chicago, and Boston. MORE

SNIP: Rude people are found everywhere.
Honestly, I hate the idea of living in a large crowded city, period.

22 Comments on Survey Finds People Consider New York City Rudest City in America

  1. New yorkers are actually good people living in tightt quarters with an element of scumbags enabled by liberals in the city, so they develop a defense to strangers. But they keep reelecting the liberals. Really weird.

  2. We live in Houston in an urban area, we no longer drive, but are within a mile of services. We use delivery a lot. It works great. Our meds are mailed. Rides to our med clinic are provided. Houston has some of the best med services in the world. Our home is handicapped equipped. When we go OUt we use cab services. Lots cheaper than owning a car. NO PROBLEMS SO FAR WITH BREAK ins ETC. I have no desire to live in BFE If you do, I hope you have people that will take care of you. I TOOK CARE of my mom for 25 years.

  3. While I despise NY and the idiots they elect the “NYER’S are rude” thing is really a myth for the most part. If you are in NY and come across someone who is really rude you probably

    1) met a third world immigrant
    2) are in a part of NY that any reputable tour guide/book would advise you to avoid or

    3) you are talking to a tourist ( probably from California or a 3rd world shit hole, but I repeat myself )

  4. Yeah, maybe true. But I think NYC doesn’t have the public poop pile count of some of the west coast cities. Which is ruder, a few unkind words directed at you or piles of human poo all over the streets?

  5. I grew up in an Eastern suburb of LA. NYC’ers are actively rude. They will be confrontational and get in your face. LA people are passively rude. They just ignore you if they can.

  6. The breakdown of civilization is everywhere in the U.S. regardless of whether it is urban or rural. Most people are incapable of conversation unless they dominate with personal banality and interruption. In public places most are unaware of people around them. Politically they have no concern for enslaving others for their own wants and needs (so-called “conservatives” AND “christians” included). Integrity has all but disappeared and envy and niggardliness has taken its place. There are consequences for behavior like this and it is spiraling. Unless there is a massive spiritual awakening the nation is doomed.

  7. This is bullshit coming from a native New Yorker and someone who still goes down there, regularly. OF course there ARE assholes everywhere, but the assholes in NYC tend to be the hipsters of Williamsburg or the old mean Liberals of Greenwich Village.

    If you go to the outer boroughs you will find real NYer’s not the ones below 110th street in Manhattan.

  8. Compare Houston to NYC and Los Angeles to wherever. When I say I hate living in a large crowded city, I’m not talking about being a few miles from front and center and everything’s accessible and lovely. I’m talking about people piled on top of each other. There are parts of LA where people are stacked in apartments or shacks. And no, there are no ‘resources’ nearby for handicapped or VA or even hospitals. Nobody delivers but Dominos Pizza. MAYBE. The nearest clinics are planned parenthood and rehab. We’re talking shit holes. And LA (parts of it) isn’t the only city like that. You can actually be in buttfuck Egypt in a large city. LOL

  9. We drove through some skanky section of LA once diverted from Dodger Stadium trying to get home.
    Here’s an example of skank: We saw people using the trunk of a busted down car as a bbq grill. Toddlers playing in the street and all kinds of other weirdness. Escape From LA wasn’t all fantasy.

  10. Whoever took the survey’s never been to Boston.

    What a bunch of Massholes! The foreigners were the only polite people there.

    New Jersey ain’t much, either (yeah, the whole fuckin state).

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Well, I remember the dialog from the film Midnight Cowboy when the Texas cowboy played by John Voight asks an old broad where the Statue of Liberty is.

    Cowboy: Ma’am could you tell me where the Statue of Liberty is?

    Old Broad: Yeah, it’s up in Central Park takin’ a piss.


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