Survey: Nearly 2/3 of Young People Want Fewer Sex Scenes in Movies, TV – IOTW Report

Survey: Nearly 2/3 of Young People Want Fewer Sex Scenes in Movies, TV


Young people have grown increasingly disenchanted with seeing sex scenes in movies and television, a new study shows.

The study, entitled “Teens & Screens,” from the University of California Los Angeles Center for Scholars & Storytellers surveyed roughly 1,500 respondents, aged 10 to 24, and found 63.5 percent of adolescents want less sex as a plot device. more

17 Comments on Survey: Nearly 2/3 of Young People Want Fewer Sex Scenes in Movies, TV

  1. 100% agree – sex scenes add no value to a storyline.
    Over the years it has moved from just kissing to petting, then stripping down, an now there is simulated penetration and thrusting. And this is on public access TV!

  2. Because everyone is sick of this moronic soft porn bullshit that’s just put in the film because the directors actors and writers don’t have a lick of talent and only fucked their way into the job in the first place

  3. This is the result of how intellectually lazy Hollywood has gotten. Instead of interesting stories with relatable characters, compelling plot lines and witty urbane dialogue, they dumb everything down with needless sex scenes, ubiquitous F-bombs, and car chases.

    I don’t think this is a “get off my lawn” critique, but the arts in general have devolved to the lowest common denominator; books, music, and cinema, all have embraced mediocrity and validity.

    Although I’m not thrilled with the “woke” turn Hallmark has embraced of late, their movies, for the most part, are still popular, despite most being “G” rated.

    And books have followed suit. If you subscribe to Bookbub (it’s free) they will email you popular titles you can download, all for a couple of books. But after a few years of starting books and not finishing them due to poor storytelling, I’ve returned to the classics, most I’ve read before, because even re-reading these is both rewarding and satisfying.

  4. Most disgusting and appalling is that humor has been replaced with awkwardness, more a Democrat thing. I don’t find awkwardness amusing.

    It’s a sign of weakness.

  5. I think the studio bosses in Holly-whore-ville put the overt sex in movies to better compete with TV which for 30 years or so was pretty clean. They figured “everyone wants to see sex done in full color with all the grunts and groans without having to go to a smelly and sticky porno adult theater”.

    Once you’ve seen one nude sex scene you’ll seen them all. There was a couple of them in Oppenheimer which I saw recently. The girl was a communist and that’s one of the reasons Oppenheimer got in trouble. Then, when Oppenheimer was in the hearing room about his communist friends, they showed the girl and Oppenheimner naked and humping right there during the hearing. I suppose that was a flashback or something.

    Since the movie is combining overt sex with the development of the Atomic Bomb, I like to refer to Oppenheimer’s sex partner as the “Boom-Boom Girl”.

  6. The movie Munich was absolutely ruined by the gratuitous pornographic scene near the end. My daughter ask if she could watch it, it’s in out library. I told her no. Filthy progs are filthy and disgusting. They ruin everything they touch.

  7. I like some newer movies, but the big reason I like old movies and radio shows is that they had to depend on dialog and plot to be successful. There were no special effects (as we know them today) and sex scenes were a big no-no unless it was the underground variety.
    I do have to admit to LMAO at Porky’s and such…

  8. Most movie sex scenes are cringe-inducing, sometimes because you can sense the lack of chemistry between the actors, especially when they’re laughing while they’re doing it. Who does that in real life? Okay, maybe when the dog jumps on the bed. Sometimes, it’s just gross, like when they’re going at it in a public bathroom. Okay, homos get off on that. Maybe most Hollywood writers are fags. But I have never been so overwrought with desire that just had to have my lady in a stall.

    Just go home or get a room. And it’s better just to fade to black as the clothes start hitting the floor, and then show the lovebirds in bed the next morning. As long as they don’t start french-kissing with morning breath. Ecchh.

  9. They want ‘nuanced relationships’. Go ahead and try to create that to the satisfaction of the DEI/LBGQTXYZ/smartphone/attention whore/creditcard addicted/gender fluid/marxist/Theory&Studies educated/hypocrite/childish morons. The truth is any human relationship that would demand their effort for more that 30 seconds is simply too much for them to endure. Be it real or on the screen.

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