Survivors of the Trans Panic: Detransitioner Reveals Horrors of Gender ‘Cyber-Sect’ – IOTW Report

Survivors of the Trans Panic: Detransitioner Reveals Horrors of Gender ‘Cyber-Sect’

Breitbart: Transgenderism is being portrayed as a progressive form of self-expression by the political, media, and business complex, but it is also damaging and marring — in many cases irreparably — the girls who come into contact with it. This series is exploring some of the cruelty experienced by people who have interacted with the “cyber-sect” of radical gender ideology, through testimony in their own words.

About 20 percent of Generation Z is likely to identify on the “LGBTQQIP2SAA” spectrum, and “LGBTQIA+” identification overall has become much more common in the United States in the past decade, according to 2022 polling by Gallup. Over five percent of Americans from 18 to 30-years-old identify as “transgender” or “nonbinary,” according a Pew Research Center survey published in June.

The number of diagnoses of “gender dysphoria” of children between the ages of 6–17 in the United States has surged over recent years, from 15,172 in 2017 to 24,847 in 2020, to 42,167 in 2021, according to data published by Reuters. In 2017, there were 1,905 children in the same age range, 6–17, undergoing hormone therapy, spiking to 4,231 in 2021.

Despite dubious data surrounding the practice of “gender-affirming care,” especially for adolescents, the United States is the “most permissive country” for child sex change operations and gender “transition” drug treatments compared with any European country, according to a study by Do No Harm. Doctors who recently spoke to Breitbart News, requesting their identities be concealed for fear of backlash, said there is a “perverse” monetary incentive structure built around pushing “transgender” drugs and surgeries on kids. The United States sex-reassignment surgery market was valued at almost two billion dollars in 2021 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 11.23 percent until 2030, according to a market report by Grand View Research. more

12 Comments on Survivors of the Trans Panic: Detransitioner Reveals Horrors of Gender ‘Cyber-Sect’

  1. When I was growing up in the 70s, 80s, and 90s fags and degenerates stayed in the closet. At least WHERE I grew up. There were no admitted fags in my 13 years of schooling. There were fags and degenerates on the TV, but they were fags and degenerates, if you take my meaning.

  2. @TonyR

    Not only those who do such things but also those who give their hearty approval. Romans 1:32.

    For all: The Bible said that things like this and worse would happen in the last days. Matthew 24:1-14; Romans 1:18-2:5; 2 Timothy 3. We are down to less than 10 years before Jesus returns. If you don’t choose to accept Him before His return, you won’t get a second chance after it and you will suffer God’s unbridled wrath with no hope of salvation.

    Some will see Jesus return in His glory when He comes for those who believe in Him. Some will depart this earth before. We don’t have the guarantee of the next breath. The Bible is true and it says to receive Jesus who carried your sins on the cross, to believe that God raised Him from the dead and to confess Jesus as (your) Lord. Ask God to forgive you. Read the Bible (it’s more pertinent now than yesterday). Go to a Bible-teaching Church and learn of Jesus. Be a part of those who joyfully look for His return. Tell somebody if you do accept Jesus.


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