Susan Collins (R-ME) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA)’s Obamacare replacement plan would expand taxpayer funding of abortion – IOTW Report

Susan Collins (R-ME) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA)’s Obamacare replacement plan would expand taxpayer funding of abortion

In addition to Collins and Cassidy, the bill now includes Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) as co-sponsors.

Breitbart: An experienced healthcare policy researcher observes that the Obamacare “replacement” plan put forward by Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) not only would allow for taxpayer funding of abortion, but would actually expand its funding over that provided in the original Obamacare law.

Writing at The Federalist, Christopher Jacobs, founder and CEO of the Washington, D.C.-based Juniper Research Group, says the Patient Freedom Act (PFA) sends a “strikingly different message” from that demonstrated in House Republicans’ recent approval of the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2017.

A former senior policy analyst in the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Health Policy Studies, and a senior policy analyst with the Joint Economic Committee’s Senate Republican staff, Jacobs writes the PFA, “would go further than Obamacare in funding abortion coverage.”

“Whereas Obamacare provides federal funding for insurance plans that cover abortion, the Patient Freedom Act would allow for direct federal funding of abortion procedures themselves,” he adds.  MORE

11 Comments on Susan Collins (R-ME) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA)’s Obamacare replacement plan would expand taxpayer funding of abortion

  1. I do a spot-on Susan Collins impression. All you need to do to sound just like her is to hold your nose and pretend you’re driving down on a very bumpy road while simultaneously having a broom handle slowly yanked out of your ass.

  2. The GOP majority in the Senate is very shakey with these ones. I think you’ll see the Vice-President voting more often then anyone would have anticipated. One thing that Collins and Cassidy (as well as the other woman GOP Senator) may be forgetting is that their antics will not be tolerated by Trump. If Trump is successful and manufacturing jobs come back, the employment rate goes up, the debt comes under control with a concrete repayment plan in place Trump could easily watch them being primaried in the next election and support the challenger. It doesn’t mean you have to lockstep yourself behind the President regardless but for things like this party unity is important.

  3. Patient Freedom Act??? Really ?? They must be complete morons for picking that name.

    They are Idiots – if they have not yet figured out that we know bills do the opposite of the names they give them. The name Patient Freedom Act is a red flag name.

    Come on, did the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Protect anyone? Was it Affordable ? NO !

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