Susan Rice’s vice presidential hopes hamstrung by Benghazi and ‘unmasking’ controversy – IOTW Report

Susan Rice’s vice presidential hopes hamstrung by Benghazi and ‘unmasking’ controversy


Susan Rice wants to be Joe Biden’s running mate. The question is whether the presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee wants her on his ticket.

“I certainly would say yes,” Rice told PBS late Thursday. “I know Joe Biden well. I’ve worked with him very closely. I know he’ll be a great president of the United States. And from my vantage point, I’m committed to doing all I can to help him win and to help him govern.”

She added, “If that were the role in which he felt I could best serve, then I’m not going to say no.”

Rice, 55, was former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser from 2013 to 2017, aligning herself with him early in his 2008 White House campaign over his then-rival Hillary Clinton. read more

17 Comments on Susan Rice’s vice presidential hopes hamstrung by Benghazi and ‘unmasking’ controversy

  1. Their hubris is pathological at this point and quite dangerous if ya ask me…

    It makes me wonder, were does this exactly come from?? Knowing you are getting off??

    Very disturbing…to have to read this shit, day in day out, we here knowing what these bastards almost got away with.


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